"Household Appliances are the Treasure House of Digital" the growth of the market depicts Hitachi GLS-- asking President Taniguchi

Hitachi Global Life Solutions President and CEO

Achieved the highest profit margin ever

――The Hitachi Global Life Solutions (Hitachi GLS) has already been two years since its launch in April 2019.Meanwhile, the market environment has changed dramatically.Looking back, what two years have you been?


The first year was one year of Fact Finding.Hitachi GLS captured what was strong and what kind of contributions could be made, and clarified the issues to be solved.The themes that need to be tackled, such as what we need to polish, what we need to stop, and what we can grow through collaboration with a partner, and clarify the targets to tackle.

In fiscal 2020, the second year, we worked on muscle quality.This is one indicator of profitability, but there is a demand for nesting in the corona, and the operating profit margin and EBIT rate after adjustment have achieved a record high.

FY2020 was a year when the Corona was a year, and it was a year when the customer's life changed completely.It has become a remote -centered way of working, and while people are aware of hygiene, the environmental awareness of decarbonization has improved, and it has become necessary to make a contribution to companies.rice field.

Looking back on the past year, it can be said that it was a year that Hitachi has demonstrated his strengths of Hitachi while devising his employees.I think that it was the result of employees' efforts to achieve the highest operating profit margin after the highest adjustment ever.

――What are the achievements in FY2020, which achieved the highest operating margin and EBIT rate after the highest adjustment ever, and the business outlook in FY2021?

谷口:売上収益は、BtoBは設備投資の抑制によって、前年比2%減の4,563億円と減収になりましたが、白物家電事業は好調に推移しています。調整後営業利益は46%増の335億円、調整後営業利益率は前年度から1.Improved to 4 points and 7.It was 3%.EBIT is 39.9 billion yen, and the EBIT rate is 1..2 points Improved and 8.It is 7%.On the other hand, in FY2021, sales revenue decreased by 10%to ¥ 409.4 billion, operating profit after adjustment was 33.4 billion yen, which is the same as the previous year, and operating profit ratio after adjustment is 8..I expect 2%.Aim for a more muscular constitution.In addition, EBIT has the establishment of overseas joint ventures, increasing 120%to 87.7 billion yen, and the EBIT rate is 21..Although it is a high plan of 4%, the EBIT rate is assumed to be two digits, except for the reorganization gains associated with the reorganization.

――The operating profit margin after adjustment is 7 of Hitachi as a whole in 2019..Although it was much lower than 5%, it turned around in the 2020 results, 5 of Hitachi as a whole..It exceeded 7%.What is this reason?


For growth, home appliances and air conditioning are "digital treasures"

――The Hitachi as a whole, one of the directions we aim for is a company that grows digitally.What kind of growth does Hitachi GLS grow in digital?


Here is the room for the growth of Hitachi GLS.For example, air -conditioning business has been a sold -out business, and its contact with customers has been cut off.Even with home appliances, it was only sold out business to make good things and provide good things.

However, by digitally connected, you can build a long -term good relationship, such as noticing signs of failure and making maintenance proposals.In other words, you can change the air conditioning business and home appliances into a retirement -type business.Digital connection with customers leads to business growth.I will expand these efforts.

In addition, Hitachi GLS feels that the effect is likely to improve in digitalization of supply chains and digitization of business processes, and I think that it is a company that has a high affinity with digital.

――Is Hitachi GLS more and more employees who understand digital?


――What is the aim of the newly set in April 2021?


Purpass was formulated based on the business slogan called "360 ° Happiness", saying, "Each person has a smile with a smile. Tomorrow, which is friendly to people and society. We are open to the future, all over the world.We will deliver the hapines. "

It is December that the basic ideas have been organized, including discussions around the summer of 2020.After that, until March, young members and diversity -rich employees were together, and the working group, which is a core of over 10 people, says, "We want to be this kind of existence."In summary, we repeated discussions with management many times, considering the role in society, and summarizing what it will be.I wasn't the ownership of me or the management, but the employees decided together.

「家電はデジタルの宝庫」 激変市場で成長描く日立GLS、谷口社長に聞く

No matter how much the change is, the presence in the pars is a common goal of Hitachi GLS, accelerating the steps.

――Are there any parts that you were particular about in formulating a para?


I want to move this para up and down and left and right. What I mean is that I want to do this in the future because I am in such a world now. Therefore, I would like to tell employees through videos that I want to put such a thing with a para as a axis, and I would like to show how management I will use in the business I am in charge of. I also want employees to communicate that they are doing this and doing this. This is the upper and lower movement. On the other hand, we will also send out how the sales department makes use of the para in daily activities, and how the design department is useful in manufacturing. This is the left and right movement. If the transmission is performed up, down, left and right, and the transmission is reached, the perpass penetrates the entire company. Even if each is different, it is important to make a pars "me". If you empathize with the para, you will have an environment in which employees are more powerful. I want to use Purpass to revitalize the activities of employees.

Some of the parsers put the word "for each person", but this is the employee and the customer.The destination of delivering a smile and delivering the happiness is the customer.If you use the products and services we have created and make you smile, you will play a role in pars, but if it has become a boring face, that is it.You will not be able to achieve a para.

Employees are flexible ideas, and more solutions using Lumada are increasing.It is important to create a smile with a smile, and it is important for employees to work with free ideas for this, and the results are gradually starting to appear.

In addition, some of the parsers include the words, "Tomorrow that is kind to people and society." This is a sign of an attitude of wanting to be a company that solves social issues. Specifically, in terms of environmental issues, in 2030, we aimed to carbon neutralization at our own factory, reduced water usage in in -house production, reduced waste, and promoting product recycling. We are also promoting society. In addition, based on data collected from home appliances and sensors, we are developing technology development to detect flails, which are in front of dementia, by the Agency for Society of Social Affairs, the University of Tokyo. Furthermore, in the case of Corona, we developed a face shield in a short period of one month for the purpose of providing support to medical workers, and started providing free of charge in May 2020 and using air conditioning technology. We developed a simple clean booth and diagnosed patients with infectious diseases in a safe environment. We believe that this social contribution is also an important role.

Aiming for jumping 2021, Hitachi GLS view

――What kind of initiatives will you proceed in 2021?


Looking at the environment surrounding us, it is assumed that the smaller households of the elderly are progressing and medical care is required, while the pandemic is not the only story of this time, and in the world.Anxiety is spreading.In addition, the movement of home time has increased and the use of ECs extends is also remarkable.And interest in environmental issues is increasing.Under such circumstances, Hitachi GLS creates and expands life solutions in line with a new lifestyle, and in order to solve the issues of consumers, "open collaboration" and "strengthening global alliance" are growing.We will promote it as two pillars.

In terms of open collaboration, there are four areas: "Living" by connected home appliances, "Wenels" utilizing family -type robots, "healthcare" in clean equipment solutions, and "environment" through low environmental load air conditioning solutions.I will work on it.

Here, we will also use the power of Lumada.For example, connected home appliances can support housework and order automatically, and the results of "Lumada x home appliances" are improving.

We are also working on the evolution of products using consumer insights.The "perfect selection" of the refrigerator developed in 2019 can switch to a frozen room and vegetable room according to your preference.As your lifestyle changes, the storage capacity of the freezing room and vegetable room will change significantly.Even in my home, when my child enters junior high school, it has increased in the frozen room for everyday lunch boxes, and the amount of freezing room is used.In the case of the collona evil, as the time of home increases at home, the number of frozen foods and daily ingredients increases, and as a result, the use of freezing rooms tends to increase.In such a case, if it is a "perfect selection", the capacity of the freezer can be increased.

This is a usage that can be learned based on the data collected by connected and digital, and it is a commercialization that captures it.

In the washing machine, AI automatically judges how to wash and time, learns your favorite finish, and uses a smartphone to complete the laundry as you return home.While contributing, you can do the laundry neatly and neatly.

――In March 2021, Connected Home Appliances released a refrigerator where you can check the stock status of ingredients on your smartphone and order it.How is the response?


Since I started selling, I feel a good response.Smart stockers are assumed that collaboration with multiple food suppliers will collaborate with smartphones based on information on inventory status, and this Bishinz model has a high interest from beverage manufacturers and food manufacturers.It has received.We have already received inquiries from more than the number of fingers in both hands.For food supplements, a new point of contact with consumers starts from a smart stocker, and you can expect a business to make new proposals there.The reaction from these food suppliers is more than expected.

―― On the other hand, what kind of efforts are you working on in the other pillars of growth, “strengthening the global alliance”?


On July 1st, the overseas white goods business business was "Arcelik Hitachi Home Home Appliance B" with Arcelik in Turkey..V.Was established.Like the joint venture with Johnson Control, 60%of the stocks are made by Arcerik and 40%of Hitachi GLS, and the manufacturing of white household appliances such as Hitachi brand refrigerators, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, etc., You will be responsible for sales and after -sales services.In the home appliance business, Hitachi GLS has a proven track record in ASEAN and China, while Hitachi GLS is a company that has almost twice the sales of Hitachi GLS, while Archelik has its strengths in Europe, Africa and South Asia.There is a relationship.While Hitachi GLS has strengths in the added value, Arcelik is strong in the volume zone.With such a relationship, we will accelerate the overseas expansion of home appliances and related solution businesses.

――In the digital area, you have started cooperation with startup companies.

谷口:2020年12月には、家族型ロボット「LOVOT」を開発、販売するGROOVE Xとの資本業務提携を発表しました。協創によるデジタルサービス拡充を通じて、生活者のQoL向上に貢献することを目指しています。日立GLSがコネクテッド家電で培ったIoTやデジタル技術を活用したり、販売網やアフターサービス網を活用することを想定していますが、それだけでなく、家庭内から発信される情報をもとに、人々の健康に寄与するウェルビーイングの領域においても貢献したり、家庭内の豊かさを高めるサービスの創出なども目指していきます。日立GLSは、これまでは機能価値を磨き上げてきましたが、今後は、それに加えて、感性価値を磨き上げていくことになります。データやAI、ハピネスを軸にして、社会に新たな価値を届けたいと考えています。GROOVE Xとは、今後、多岐に渡る協業を検討しており、固まった時点で、随時発表をしていく予定ですので、ぜひ楽しみにしていてください。

―― On the other hand, Hitachi GLS is also working on several BtoB businesses.


In the regenerative medicine field, a regenerative medical innovation center has been established in Nihonbashi, Tokyo, and its own clean room is set up here, enabling tours and simulation of cell culture processing facilities and the latest equipment.The clean room has been modularized, standardized in combination of operation, so that a regenerative medicine facility with energy saving and low cost has been launched in a short period of time.Again, EXIIDA will be used to make signs of signs and remote maintenance, and will support regenerative medical facilities by unstoppable air conditioning.In addition, through the regenerative medical innovation center, we will collaborate with partners in the medical field and collaborate with startup companies.

We believe that the strengths of Hitachi GLS can be used in these BtoB areas, and this is also a business that can contribute to improving social value and environmental value through the life solution business, and is an effort to realize pars.It will be one.

In 2021, I would like to make Hitachi GLS as a whole, based on the perpass, to grow.
