GitHub resurrects ``youtube-dl'' library-not illegal

On November 16th, GitHub revived the open source project "youtube-dl". youtube-dl is a library written in Python that allows users to download source audio and video files used in YouTube videos.

GitHub had deleted this library from the portal on October 23rd, in response to a deletion request from the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) based on the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). The request was controversial.

 The RIAA stated in a letter sent to GitHub, "The explicit purpose of this source code (youtube-dl library) is to (i) protect the technical protections used by licensed streaming services such as YouTube. (ii) copying and distributing music videos and audio recordings... without permission."

GitHub, 'youtube-dl' live Revived rally -- Judged not to be illegal

 Furthermore, regarding the source code of the same project, he said, "It clearly indicates that it is being used for the reproduction and distribution of the following copyrighted works," and gave several examples.

On the grounds of Section 1201 of the DMCA, the RIAA provides tools that can bypass copyright protection, even if the youtube-dl library itself does not contain code that infringes copyright. claimed to have infringed copyright.

However, GitHub posted on its blog dated 16th a letter sent by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) lawyers, who were in charge of the problem with this youtube-dl project, stating that this library It said it did not violate Section 1201 of the DMCA.

 In the letter, the youtube-dl library does not circumvent the technical protection of YouTube videos and does not violate Article 1201 of the DMCA, so it is desirable to restore the youtube-dl repository. It is

This article is an article from overseas Red Ventures edited by Asahi Interactive for Japan.
