Gas "self-closing valve", door-to-door installation from this month_China Jiangsu Net

Gas "self-closing valve"

In recent years, the urban gas coverage rate has increased year by year, which greatly facilitates daily life. However, gas leakage accidents caused by improper operation, use of substandard parts or aging hoses also occur from time to time.

Yesterday, I learned from the Municipal Municipal and Garden Bureau that from this month, the residents will install gas self-closing valves and replace the long-life hoses to add an extra insurance for the safe use of gas.

During the year, 600,000 households will install "self-closing valves"

What is a gas self-closing valve? What is the function of this device? According to reports, the pipeline gas self-closing valve is installed between the gas pipeline behind the indoor meter and the connecting pipe of the stove. It has the functions of automatic closing of overpressure, automatic closing of underpressure, and automatic closing of overcurrent. It is a "sharp weapon" to prevent gas accidents. In the early stage, the Municipal Municipal Bureau of Municipal Affairs and Landscape Architecture has carried out a pilot project in the urban super high-rise residential area. Nearly 10,000 households have taken the lead in "trying to adopt" the self-closing valve of pipeline gas, and the pilot effect is remarkable. When the gas pipeline has problems such as overpressure, low pressure, and poor sealing, the self-closing valve will automatically close the gas source, realizing the automation of gas supply safety monitoring and automatic sudden leakage control, preventing gas leakage from causing safety problems.

Yan Guodong, head of the Public Utilities Department of the Municipal Municipal and Landscape Bureau, introduced that there are currently 1.8 million residential gas users in the urban area. The gas self-closing valve installation project will be launched from this month and will be advanced in batches. Among them, the old and new villages and resettlement housing communities are listed. into the first installment plan. Next, the relevant departments will post the self-closing valve installation notice in the community, and conduct centralized installation in the community. For the households who fail to catch up with the "big force", the installation will be made by appointment. It is expected that 600,000 households will be installed with gas self-closing valves within the year, and strive to achieve "full coverage" for 1.8 million households within two years.


Super high-rise residences promote new gas "smart meters"

In addition to installing gas self-closing valves, the Municipal Municipal and Garden Bureau will also replace gas hoses that do not meet gas safety regulations and exceed the expiration date for residents. According to statistical analysis, more than 60% of residential gas accidents are caused by loose hoses, falling off, aging, rupture, exceeding the service life, and using non-gas-specific pipes. During the special inspection of gas safety, security inspectors found that many residents use rubber gas hoses, which are easy to age, wear and be bitten by mice, and have a service life of only 18 months. However, in reality, many people do not know that gas hoses have a service life, and the hoses at home are in a state of "overdue service", and their safety cannot be guaranteed.

Starting this month, residents will be simultaneously replaced with gas hoses and replaced with metal-coated hoses. "This kind of soft is corrosion-resistant, anti-rat bite, and has a service life of 5-8 years." Yan Guodong said that during the installation of the self-closing valve and the replacement of the gas hose, if it is found that the stove in the home has expired or is not used. Install flameout protection devices, and staff will remind residents to replace them. In addition, the installation of "composite smart meter + alarm" will be promoted to the city's super high-rise residential users. The new smart meter has the functions of remote transmission, leakage alarm and emergency cut-off. Once gas leakage occurs, the meter will automatically realize cut off.

focus on

"Reassured Valve" and "Reassured Pipe"

Residents bear part of the cost

New gas safety devices, do residents need to "pay out of their own pockets"? A person from the Municipal Municipal and Garden Bureau stated that the installation cost of the "safety pipe" and "safety valve" will be borne by the user, and the district finance and gas supply enterprises will subsidize it. The cost of smart meters installed by residents of super high-rise residential areas shall be borne by the gas supply company, and the cost of the alarm shall be borne by the user according to the price approved by the development and reform department, and subsidized by the district finance and gas supply companies. The gas supply company will replace the metal-coated hose and self-closing valve free of charge for the subsistence allowances, the extremely poor supporters, and the government-purchased elderly care service personnel, and the gas supply company shall bear the cost.

The Municipal Municipal and Garden Bureau reminded that even if a gas self-closing valve is installed in the home, it should not be taken lightly. When using gas daily, attention should be paid to maintaining indoor ventilation and frequent safety inspections. When the home is unoccupied for a long time, the valve in front of the meter should be closed. If you encounter any problems during the use of gas, please call the 24-hour service hotline of Wuxi China Resources Gas at 0510-82588777. (Evening News reporter Cai Jia / text, photo)
