EVSMART Blog Electric vehicles and rapid chargers comfortably will be unveiled by Sagawa Express, which is being developed by Sagawa Express -Japan will change!Popular article Recent post categories

Start mass production in September 2021

The joint presentation between Sagawa Express and ASF was held at the Sagawa Express driving school in Ayase City, Kanagawa Prefecture.At the presentation, Masahide Motomura, President and Representative Director of Sagawa Express, and ASF President and Representative Director of ASF, greeted each other, co -development of Sagawa Express's home delivery mini cars by joint development, and cooperating with the realization of the carbon carbon society.Was announced.

Sagawa Express has introduced environmental cars since the 1990s, and has been operating hybrid vehicles and EV trucks to date.Nevertheless, the number is limited, and this is the first time to introduce a large amount like this time.

The future development schedule has been decided in August 2021 after a demonstration experiment, driving test and verification for about half a year since March 2021.We plan to start mass production in September 2021.However, in the explanation of ASF, the delivery will be around September 2022, as "production will take a little time".

According to the President of Sagawa Express, Sagawa Express currently operates 7,200 mini cars for collection and delivery, aiming to make all of this EV by 2030.Normally, about 1000 cars are replaced with a new car a year, so if you introduce EV at a similar pace, everything will be replaced in about seven years.It is said that if it is completed, it will reduce the amount of CO2 emissions of about 10 % of the total.

After that, there are about 21,500 cars in Sagawa Express, including cooperating companies and private businesses, so if possible, we would like to promote EVs if possible.

Due to the influence of the new colona in the Q & A session, "EC cargo has been increasing in the past year (collected vehicles) has increased.I think it is meaningful to be able to see that CO2 will be reduced by introducing it. I want to introduce the best vehicles for delivery and work hard toward carbon nutrals. "He showed a positive attitude toward car calibromy.

In the transportation industry, Yamato Transportation and Japan Post are also promoting EVs for collection and delivery vehicles.As Sagawa Express actually promotes the EV of a mini car, the flow of EV promotion in the entire industry is likely to spread at a stretch.

[Related article] ● The reason why Sagawa Express jointly develops small electric vehicles with venture companies (June 7, 2020) ● Yamato Transport jointly develops EV trucks with DHL companies, solves the "mystery" of!(March 31, 2019) ● Japan Post will consider the introduction of 1200 electric vehicles as a collection distribution vehicle (March 28, 2019)

Introducing easy -to -use functions in a questionnaire of 7200 drivers

The feature of the announced EVs of the light vehicle standard was that the announcement was conducted by about 7,200 drivers, aiming for EVs that are easy for drivers to use.For example, the driver's seat is about 10cm wide than the passenger seat, and the driver's space has plenty of room, and a personal computer stand is installed in the passenger seat to add functions as a workplace.For a driver with a long outer circumference, a one -liter paper pack drink can be placed, and the LED lamp is installed in response to many voices that the luggage compartment is dark.

In order to reduce loading and unloading work, the bed was higher than a normal car, and a space for placing a trolley under the carrier was secured.

The following contents have been announced for the notable vehicle specifications.

Total length / 3395mm full width / 1475mm high / 1950mm capacity / 2 people vandal / 200 km or more

However, it seems that the battery cannot be announced because the manufacturer, material, and installation capacity are undecided.Charging is a plan that supports the CHADEMO standard that can be used as a normal charging and V2H.

It has been stated that the single charging range is 200 km or more.The average mileage of the collection distribution is about 80 km, so if you can run 200km, it will be practical enough.

It has also been specified that the manufacture of vehicles will be a Gosho train factory in Yanagi City, China.ASF is a fabeless manufacturer who has no factory in -house (it may be more appropriate to say that you are aiming to be a fabeless manufacturer exactly).According to ASF President Iizuka, we negotiated with multiple manufacturers in China and chose a Gosho train in consideration of the size and speed of the company.

EVsmartブログ電気自動車や急速充電器を快適に 佐川急便が開発中の軽EV宅配車をお披露目〜計画通り実現すれば日本は変わる! 人気記事 最近の投稿 カテゴリー

Speaking of Gosho -train, the cheap small EV "Hiromitsu mini EV" released by Shangqi Tongyong Wuling Qiche, a joint venture with GMs, is a huge hit.AFP reported in an article on January 7, 2021 that the company's cumulative sales were over 1.17 million units.

The cumulative sales volume includes the number of internal combustion engine cars, but it seems that 174,000 small NEVs (new energy vehicles) are sold.

[Related article] ● 950,000 yen 9.3KWH -Chinese electric vehicle "Hiromitsu mini EV" is being released as soon as possible (September 2, 2021)

Speaking of EVs manufactured in China, Tesla 3, manufactured by Gigafactory in Shanghai, is a hit.If a car jointly developed by Sagawa Express and ASF comes into Japan as planned, it can be said that a car manufactured by a Chinese car manufacturer originated in China will be introduced in Japan in earnest.In that case, it will be a catalyst for a Japanese market, which has a light understanding of the EV, and it will be a good stimulus for Japanese manufacturers.

I tried to delusion from the appearance of running in the rain driving school

Unfortunately it was light rain on the day of the presentation.For this reason, there was an explanation in the middle of the presentation that "it is raining and stop running outdoors."After a while, fortunately it was raining, so I was able to see the actual running ...

In the first place, you don't have to drive yourself or ride it, but just by looking at running from the outside does not know anything.Rather, I personally surprised that it would be closed due to the rain, and when there was an announcement, I thought, "I think TV stations will be in trouble."The video of the car running is the highlight of the news, so it is hard if it disappears.Perhaps I imagined that there was no waterproof equipment that could run in the rain yet.

Anyway, after the running scene and questions and answers, I took time to shoot vehicles outdoors and check the interior of the car.First of all, the appearance was already a practical home delivery vehicle.However, this announced vehicle is a prototype to the last, and it is said that the appearance design may change during mass production.(Editor's Note: The exterior design design seems to have been handled by FOMM, an invested company in ASF and a Japanese electric vehicle venture).

If you look inside the car, you can see that the floor of the luggage compartment is raised considerably.It is higher from the luggage compartment to the lower front seat.

At the recital, there was an explanation that increasing the height of the luggage compartment would avoid the tire house to eliminate irregularities, and reduce the burden on loading and unloading, but not only that, there is no room for space.It seems to be meaningful to open the battery under the floor of a mini car.There was so much space that I could think of it without stacking here.

However, as is often the case with one -box type cars, the engine room (a motor room) was under the driver's seat, so I could not confirm it.

By the way, I was wondering when the editor -in -chief of the EVSMART blog looked into the front grill and had a large radiator.The EV has an engine radiator, so I'm wondering what I'm cooling, but I couldn't get a detailed explanation.It may be a condenser for air conditioning.However, since the car announced this time is a prototype, it is possible that the car of the internal combustion engine was used as a base vehicle.In other words, it is a conversion EV.Did you just show off, did you remain without removing the radiator?And this is a delusion.

In addition, it was announced that mass production was launched in September 2022, so I wondered if I would obtain a model certification by then, but it seems that it will not respond so far.ASF President Iizuka said that the model certification would take two years to get a high hurdle, and revealed the policy to use the special case of imported vehicles.

If the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism imports cars currently sold overseas to Japan, if the annual sales volume is 5,000 or less, the procedure will be completed by simple writing screening.President Iizuka said that it will be introduced using this special case and proceed with the procedure for model certification in parallel.

[Reference material] ● The annual sales scheduled maximum number of the imported car special handling system (PHP) has been raised.

However, although it is a special treatment, it is the minimum condition that it complies with Japan's security standards.In other words, it is necessary to test for a collision safety that is expensive, and the special imported car is to check the conformity of these standards in a written screening.In other words, special treatment is effective when you put a car that is already sold overseas and is considered to be cleared in Japan's security standards.So, in this case, the model of the same type of Sagawa Express, which is the same type of Sagawa Express, is a country that meets the security standards of Japan, and if it is mass -produced and sold first, it will be an effective means, what kind of car is.Various delusions came to mind.Since the mini car standard is unique to Japan, pre -sale overseas is really a delusion ...

It seems that it is not easy to secure a 200km cruising range.Anyway, if it is 200km for a 60km/h constant speed, if you use 200km for everyday use, it is essential to run that much even if you comply with the EPA or WLTP test cycle.If so, you need a battery of about 30kWh.How do you secure a physical space equipped with this amount?Even if the floor of the luggage compartment is raised, it seems to be difficult to design because the area is limited in the area.And if you load a 30kWh battery, the cost will increase.

Regarding the introduction price of the vehicle, in the Q & A session, Iizuka, President of ASF, said, "I would like to provide a price below the cost of the car currently used by Sagawa Express."In other words, 2 million yen will definitely be cut off.I guess it would be 1 million yen to 1.5 million yen.A single charging achieves a 200km cruising range, a solar power panel charging system and a V2H -compatible chademo standard, and the quick charging function is installed, and there is an AC outlet of 100V / 1500W, and the attached functions such as the operation management system are optional.If the price is a separate calculation, if the price is less than the cost of the current car you are currently using, this is already a surprising land.

At the presentation, ASF has expressed his willingness to sell EVs by leasing and sub -skop, apart from the new EV delivery to Sagawa Express.If a light commercial EV, which can drive 200 km in a single charge, can be bought at a lower price than the current engine car, the atmosphere of the Japanese market, where EVs spread behind, may change at a stretch.It will be difficult to clarify the details because the development is ongoing, but I would like to offer ASF again.

It is the world that I do not know what is there.Considering the current situation calmly, it seems that the Sagawa Express and ASF joint development EVs are waiting for a tough road, but if you clear the assignment without breaking down, it will be a breakthrough event.A dream -like light standard EV with a sales price of 1.5 million yen or a cruising range of 200 km may appear.If this cospa can be realized, the destructive power to compete with an existing major manufacturer will definitely sell.

I would like to pay close attention to the next development while having such anxiety and expectations together.

(Interview / sentence / Ryu Kino)
