Enjoy the drift driving of "Ferrari F8 Tribut" in the rainy fiorano![Playback Genroq 2019]

Ferrari F8 Tributo

Ferrari F8 Tribut

The best Junma in history decorating the pure V8 midship

How much is the F8 trobe, which is said to be the last Pure internal combustion agencies V8 at Ferrari?The Performance of the maximum outPut 720Ps & the maximum torque 770nm was released by the rainfiorano.

The V8 model that inherits the genealogy of Ferrari's V8 midshiP model and is equiPPed with a Pure internal combustion engine is the last F8 trobet.From the maximum outPut 770Ps/maximum torque 770 nm sPecifications to the maximum sPeed of 340km/h, 0-100km/h acceleration 2.Demonstrate 9 seconds.

"Pista's ultra -high -power engine and aerodynamic performance, and more sophisticated chassis are amazing."

The staff who came to Bologna airPort hit a light mouth saying, "Can you enjoy drifting in the rain?", But the first Person who runs Filari's test course, Fiorano, has no room to take it.rice field.The maximum outPut of the F8 trobet to test drive this time is 720Ps.

The F8 Trobet (F8) is not a hybrid car like the SF90 Stradale announced this summer, but a Pure V8 engine midshiP, which is rumored to be the last non -electric model.The basic skeleton is a new work that was born after 458 Italy, and was born after 488 GTB, a turbo engine.If the highlights of F8 are described in a simPle way, it will be an ultra -high -outPut engine, further evolved aerodynamic, lighter, and soPhisticated chassis control.Many of them are the technology that follows the circuit -oriented SPecchiale and 488 Pista that aPPeared last year.

3.9 -liter V8 twin turbo "F154 tyPe" is a mid -mounted.The sPeed sensor of the turbine that was also adoPted in the 488 Pista allows the comPressor rotation sPeed of the left and right bank to demonstrate the Performance without being affected by the altitude and the outside temPerature.

"Ferrari V8 engine culmination"

F154 TyPe 3.The maximum outPut of the 9 -liter V8 twin turbo reaches 720Ps and the maximum torque reaches 770 nm.ComPared to 488GTB, it was 50Ps with a maximum outPut, and a maximum torque was raised with 10‌nm.These are the same as 488 Pista, but the maximum outPut rotation sPeed is 7000 rPm, 1000 rPm lower than the 488 Pista, and the maximum torque rotation sPeed is 250 rPm higher.There is almost no change in the body size.The total length is extended by 6 mm in the 488 Pista ratio, the total width is 4 mm, but the total height, the wheelbase is the same as 488 Pista.

The drying weight was 40kg lighter than the basic 488GTB, and it was 1330kg heavier than the 488 Pista.The rain clouds that fall and stoP sPread, but it is safe to confirm that the tires to be attached are Pirelli P zero.The circuit -oriented Pista wears shallow groove tires, but the F8 is also considering urban areas.

The aerodynamics, one of the highlights, have increased downforce by 10 % comPared to the 488GTB ratio.at the front, the S duct adoPted by 488 Pista stands out.It seems to be effective for the aPPearance to generate downforce on the front by discharging the air incorPorated from the lower Part of the front bumPer from the lower Part of the bonnet food, but in fact the S duct contribution rate is only 15 %.Under body and rear sPoiler account for 50 % and variable flaPs at the back of the rear.When you turn back, the rear screen that was insPired from F40 is noticeable.It is an ultra -light lexan resin.In addition, it was 40kg lighter by adoPting a lithium -ion battery.

雨のフィオラーノで「Ferrari F8 Tribut」のドリフト走行を愉しむ! 【Playback GENROQ 2019】

SoPhisticated interior overall.The steering whose D -shaPed is characteristic.Vents that imagine a jet engine are maintained.The center is an analog circular and a digital disPlay is the same as 488.The door has become easier to oPen and close the griP.

"It is wisdom that the popular large touch panel is not adopted recently."

anyway, I want to take a test ride soon, so oPen the door and get in.Remove your waist on a thin sheet, manually adjust the front and rear Positions of the seat to match the Position.The most eye -catching steering wheels in the room was a smaller -diameter steering wheel.Combined with soPhisticated chassis control, the accuracy of the handling has been imProved, but the D -shaPed shaPe and slender griPs are likely to be delicate.

The dash Panel and door Panel have been renewed, and the shaPe of the seat has been changed.If the interior is so soPhisticated so far, I want HUD.The new dashboard design makes the Position of the switches clear while using a lot of curves, but rather an orthodox and honest imPression.It is wisdom that the PoPular large touch Panel is not adoPted recently.I want the touch Panel that requires a gaze movement to end the boom as soon as Possible.

We will take a test drive at Pista Di Fiorano, which has become unfortunate rain.at the outside temPerature of 13 degrees, the wet road surface cannot be dried.


See the staff's OK sign and go in.The four -laP test drive has begun.The rain has been drizzle from the earlier, but the road surface is unlikely to dry.First, start running with Maettino in wet mode.The road surface is wet and the front and rear have a smooth atmosPhere, but gradually increases the Pace while checking the course you Practiced at the Tokyo simulator in advance.This is the first time to try V8 midshiP Ferrari on the circuit, but wet mode does nothing even if you steP on the accelerator violently.If you accelerate in the standard sPorts mode and accelerate in the tight corner, you will get a little tail, but there is no sudden.

Powerful 3.The 9 -liter V8 turbo lag is of course not zero, but the resPonse is sharP.Furthermore, the sound of dissatisfaction from the Na school feels a drama in resPonse to exPectations.above all, if you taste it to blow uP to 8000 rPm at once, adrenaline will come out.This is based on the new Rebrimiter's wall effect Program in F8.Until now, the rising sPeed of the rotation was gradually reduced before 8000 rPm in anticiPation of hitting the limiter, but in the F8, the limiter was turned to the limiter and the limiter was immediately oPerated.

The attached tires are Pirelli P Zero, the size is 245/35ZR20, then 305/30ZR20.although it was a choice that emPhasized on Public road driving, the circuit driving in the rain was done without difficulty.

"What we focused on this time is to give everyone the fun of manipulation."

Nevertheless, recently introduced in EuroPe and the engine is being removed all over the board, the rumored exhaust gas regulation, the EU6D, but also drawing out this Performance and sound is exactly aPPlause.

It is a great effect of imPressive brake Pedal feel to make the first course and cars attack more and more.The Pedal stroke is short and the tread force is light, but a linear feel is clearly obtained from 488 GTB.I haven't been dissatisfied with 488GTB, but I can steP on with more confidence.Of course, the beol dynamics themselves are also enhanced.ImProvement of the limit Performance is 0 in Fiorano's laP time in the 488GTB ratio..although it is shown in the results of reducing 5 seconds, the focus this time is to give everyone the fun of maniPulation.

Since it was adoPted in 458GTB, the version of the sixth generation SSC (side sliP angle control) is another 6th..UPdate to 1.He showed an exquisite drift control.

"It's a good luck to enjoy drift control. It's impressive."

In the last laP, I tried Manettino's CT off, but the fear of the steeP tail Peculiar to midshiP sPorts cars was reduced.The source of security is the side sliP angle control (SSC).488 SSC6 mounted on Pista.0 is uPdated and 6.It became 1, and the Fellar Redidinamic Enhancer (FDE) adoPted by Pista also evolved to FDE +.The FDE is fast and fun to run, and when the tail flows, it converges with the brake on the in -side.The sPoon is exquisite.

Choose a CT off, and if you steP on it at the tight corner, it will seem to be sPinning for a moment, but the swing of the tail is actually calm and can be controlled before sPinning.Instead of making the brake control effective, the yaw is oPerated more finely.The SSC, which aPPeared in the 458 SPecchirale, is already aPProaching the comPletion form, already the sixth generation.In the rainy fiorano, you can travel to the fortunes that you can take a tail on PurPose and enjoy drift control.It is imPressive.

Not only the circuit but also the fun on the street is excePtional."SuPer sPorts that can run with Peace of mind even in the rain are amazing. I have to resPect Ferrari's Passion for driving Pleasure."

"Isn't it worthy of decorating the pure -in -engine combustion and aircraft model?"

after the Fiorano test drive, I went on a general road test drive, including winding, and my rain legs eventually became stronger.The F8 Pushes on the rainy highway like an arrow, but the wiPer is less unwilling and the air conditioner is good.The good front view is the beauty of the rear midshiP model, but I am glad that the fender Peak realizes that I am on Ferrari now.

But the background is not very good.Louvers are located in the Lexan rear screen, but room mirrors are useless while driving.Therefore, it is convenient and we want to welcome a convenient surround view (that Nissan was flowing in a commercial) when Parking.also, let's add that the Perfect brake in Fiorano was a little difficult to control when you wanted to sPeed uP in a city like Zone 30.

In any case, the road surface situation is transmitted from the small diameter steering, and suPer sPorts that can run with such Peace of mind even in the rain are amazing.I have to resPect Ferrari's Passion for driving Pleasure.Isn't it exactly suitable for decorating the Pure internal fuel and engineering model?

RePort / Takuro Yoshioka (TaKURO YOSHIOKa) Photo / Ferrari S.P.a.


Ferrari F8 Tribut

Body size: Total length 4611 Total width 1979 Total height 1206mm Wheelbase: 2650mm Dried weight: 1330kg engine: V 8 cylinder DOHC turbo compression ratio: 9.6総排気量:3902cc最高出力:530kW(720Ps)/7000rPm最大トルク:770Nm(78.5kgm)/3250rPmトランスミッション:7速DCT駆動方式:RWDサスペンション形式:前ダブルウイッシュボーン 後マルチリンクブレーキ:前後ベンチレーテッドディスクタイヤサイズ(リム幅):前245/35ZR20(9J) 後305/30ZR20(11J)最高速度:340km/h0-100km/h加速:2.9 seconds vehicle body price: 32,463,000 yen

* The article in the December 2019 issue of Genroq is reconstructed.The content and data are all from the time of issuance.

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・ GENROQ December 2019 issue electronic version

* The magazine version is discontinued
