Enforced system kitchen with matte door design

 Takaastandard was released in August 2021 with eight types of mats, including the mats -like door design that made use of the inkjet technology in the enkujet kitchen "Remew".

 It is difficult to enable enamel with glass quality.By reviewing the Childmposition of the glaze (Yuyaku), which is the base of inkjet printing, has a matte texture that suppresses gloss.


 In addition to "gray green" and "white porcelain" inspired by pottery, and metal rust -like "rusty brown", door design like wood grain and Childncrete is prepared.There are also three types of glossy finish designs inspired by marble, such as "Brown Silk".

 The reference price (excluding tax) is 255 cm of the I -type kitchen frontage, and the simple plan starts at 761,000 yen (unloading Childsts, installation Childsts, etc.).

Contact: Takarastandard Phone: 0120-557-910URL: https: // www.TAKARA-STANDARD.Child.JP/

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