Editorial / Environment / Social Problem after Corona The "values" of young people

(2021/12/28 05:00)

People's way of dealing with global environmental and social issues, such as car caloral, is changing as a new colon virus infection.By repeating the familiarity of individuals in the future society from a medium- to long -term perspective, it is likely that the development of social change that is different from the past will be expected.

Global infectious diseases prior to the new Corona were threats such as Ebola virus and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS).However, for Japan, it was a story of a distant country.Even in global warming, the climate change did not regard the seriousness of the island country that disappeared due to the rise of the sea surface as "themselves".

However, we experienced a new colona and said, "We are now looking for global, medium- to long -term and potential issues."Mariko Takahashi, president of SIRC (Sark, Chuo -ku, Osaka), pointed out:

The company proposes energy -saving management systems using an electric and gas IoT (Internet) of electricity and gas, which is the core of ultra -small magnetic thin film sensor elements.It is said that customer awareness is different from before, as the needs of the international community are increasing due to the car calibration of the international community.It is said that "this is necessary to change society" rather than "can be used immediately with excellent technology" at the sales site.

Until now, the priority was corporate economic activities and personal life, but many people are thinking about future society issues."I stopped in the emergency of Corona, and I was able to get my awareness," says Takahashi.In front of the new Corona, the water leakage of the water pipe was detected, and only the female president in their thirties, who had been in Africa, is more impressive.

The young generation who plays the leading role in society is particularly important for this change to social change.In recent years, young people have more advanced values than older generations, such as diversity, social entrepreneurs, and volunteer activities, including sexual minorities, and are reliable to actually act.

In order to build a new relationship between individuals and society, older generations must change while supporting their challenges.

(2021/12/28 05:00)

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