A door switch for barrier fret clean that can be opened and closed by holding your hand

 Nabtesco was released in September 2021, adding a "non-contact type" that can be opened and closed by holding his hand on the "HDS-4Iα push button switch" switch for the automatic door of barrier fleats.

 It is a door switch for public outfits that verify universal design from various angles and consider the usability of various users, such as wheelchair users and visually impaired.As a countermeasure against contact infection, a function to automatically open and close the door by simply holding the hand over the opening and closing button.

 For those who are difficult to hold their hands, it can be operated with a push button.A large button with a diameter of 70mm is adopted, and even a small force can be pushed reliably.


 It also has a function to guide you with light and voice.Optional voice guides can be set in Japanese, English, Chinese, and Korean.

 The price is questionable.

Contact: Nabtesco Phone: 03-5213-1156URL: https: // nabco.nabtesco.COM/

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