Do you need an auto lock for living alone?Explain the benefits and precautions of moving into an auto lock property

The merit of living alone in a property with an auto lock

Here are the benefits that a person who wants to live alone lives in an auto -locked property.

It is important to know that it is mainly an auto -lock that is effective in security, but it is easy to block troublesome events.

Increases the possibility of preventing suspicious individuals from entering

Compared to properties without auto locks, it is more likely that outlets can prevent outlets in the building, which can prevent suspicious individuals from entering.

From the perspective of the intruder, the building that takes time to invade tends to avoid the probability of crime damage just to have an auto lock.

However, it does not necessarily prevent the invasion of suspicious individuals.Don't overestimate auto locks, as they may be invaded according to the inhabitants.

Easy to refuse sales and solicitation

Another advantage of auto lock is that it is easy to refuse sales and solicitation.

If you respond at the front door, the other party may not return, so it is easy to struggle, but an auto -lock can be blocked before reaching the entrance, so it is less likely to stick.


Precautions when living alone in a property with an auto lock

Although it is a property with an auto lock that has many benefits in terms of crime prevention, there are some points to note.Keep in mind the disadvantages so that you don't regret living without knowing.

Rent is high

Properties with auto locks are popular and in high demand, so rent tends to be higher than those without auto locks.

If you can prepare a little more budget than the market, you will not be able to find a property with an auto lock by loosening other conditions or reviewing the area.

If you forget the key and go outside, it will be closed out

It is usually an auto -lock that protects you, but depending on the situation, it may stand as a wall.If you forget the key and go out, you will be closed out in front of the entrance.

 1人暮らしにオートロックは必要? オートロック物件に入居するメリットや注意点を解説

In that case, you will not be able to return to the room unless you open the auto lock by contacting the manager.Make sure you check the contact means in case of emergency.

Properties that can be said to have high crime prevention even without auto locks

The property with an auto lock is attractive, but you may not be able to find a property that suits your wishes in the area you are looking for.

In such a case, if you choose the type of property to be introduced in the future, you can live in relatively security in terms of security even if you do not have an auto lock.

Find a property with a security -type security performance that is equivalent to auto lock while keeping your budget low.

The key to the entrance is difficult to duplicate

According to the data ( *) published by the Metropolitan Police Department, 43.2%of the thief in 2018 is from the entrance of the entrance, etc., and it is prominent that the key is to prolapse the key to pry the keys open.I am.

In other words, it is important to protect the entrance strictly for crime prevention, and you can expect a preventive effect on crime by choosing a property with high key performance.

Properties that use keys that are difficult to replicate will make it less likely to be damaged by picking, which will increase crime prevention performance.

In addition, properties that use a key called "tour lock", which have two keys on the entrance, can not enter unless they open two keys, so the burglary criminals are easy to avoid, reducing the risk of damage.。

( *) See: The Metropolitan Police Department "Intervention of Housing Intervention in 2018"

There is an intercom with a monitor

Suspicious people may try to open the key with intercom.

However, if the intercom in the room has a monitor, the visitor's face is projected at the moment when the chime sounds, making it easier to find out that you are a suspicious person from your clothes and behavior.

As a suspicious person, if the intercom has a camera, the recording function will be wary that evidence will remain, and the intercom with a monitor is an item that can be expected to be a crime deterrence.

There is a delivery box

When a suspicious person tries to open the entrance by falsifying his status, a frequently used trick is to "pretend to be a courier."

It's not easy to see this, but if you have a delivery box, you can avoid this kind of crime.

Even if a true delivery company comes, requesting the use of a delivery box will eliminate the risk of being fooled by a suspicious person, making it easier to spend.

The manager is resident

In the case of a property where the caretaker is resident, the suspicious person can be kept away from the building just because there are human eyes near the entrance.

If you choose a resident property, it is also an advantage that it is easy to ask for help if you are stalking by a suspicious person or encountered near the doorway.

If you want to choose a resident property, focus on the work style of the manager.

There are various types of workers' work styles, and when working hours are over, they return home elsewhere, and some properties continue to manage in a 24 -hour system.

The rent tends to be expensive, but it is safe to choose a property where a 24 -hour manager is resident, especially if you live alone.



Choosing a property with an auto lock can increase the possibility of deterring crime and make it easier to refuse sales.

It is dangerous to overtrust the crime prevention, but it is definitely a reliable person to be an important equipment for security.

If it is difficult to live in a property with an auto lock, select a property where the caretaker is resident, a property with a monitored intercom, a property with a delivery box, etc. to enhance security. can do.
