Do you need a garage certificate if you buy a mini car?Explain the unique rules of mini cars

When purchasing a mini car, it is not necessary to obtain a "garage certificate", but depending on the area, a "garage notification" is required, and if you forget to put it out, you may be subject to penalties.We will explain the case, necessary documents, and notification methods that require notification with a mini car.

[Points of this article] ✔ It is not necessary to obtain a garage certificate even if you purchase a mini car. ✔ In areas that apply to certain conditions even for mini cars, you need a “garage notification” in an area that meets certain conditions.You can ride a new car

What is garage certificate?

The official name of the garage certificate is the "Automotive Store Location Certificate", and it is necessary to clear three requirements to be recognized as a garage when applying.The garage certificate is specifically explained in conjunction with three requirements.

What kind of document is the garage certificate?

The owner of the car is required by law to secure a car storage location (garage).A garage certificate is a document that proves that this garage is secured.

Except in some areas, you will need a new or small car to purchase a new car and register in your own name.Without a garage certificate, you will not be able to buy ordinary cars or small cars or change their names.

What are the requirements that are recognized as "garage"?

It doesn't matter what the garage you have prepared.To be recognized as a garage, you need to meet the following three requirements.

1.The location of the home base and the location of the storage location do not exceed 2 km in a straight line 2.You can accommodate the entire car from roads other than roads that cannot be passed without any problems 3.Having a right to use as a storage location

A mini car needs a "garage notification" instead of a garage certificate

Unlike ordinary cars and small cars, light cars do not have a garage certificate system.Therefore, it is not necessary to submit a garage certificate necessary for purchasing or changing the name of ordinary cars and small cars.The reason is that ordinary cars and small cars are registered as the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Transportation Bureau, but light vehicles are not registered in the country, so the rules are different between ordinary cars, small cars and mini vehicles.Because it is.

However, there is no rule at all about the storage location of a mini car.The garage itself must be prepared, and even a mini car is required for areas that meet certain conditions, and a procedure for "notification of garage" is required.

If you need a "garage notification" of a mini car

A "garage notification" of a mini car is required when the "location of the home use" applies to any of the following three.The location of the home base is the location of the location of the car, and the location of the car manager of the car.

However, there are areas that are unnecessary even if this condition is not necessary, or even if it does not meet the conditions.It is a good idea to check on the prefectural police website in your address to see if it is necessary to report the garage.

Differences between light vehicles related to garage certification and ordinary cars and small cars

As mentioned earlier, the procedure for garage certification is different because of the institutional difference between light vehicles and ordinary cars and small cars.Let's check the difference between them once.

Procedure timing

The newly purchased cars and cars that have been handed over are not able to run on the road immediately, but are registered by the Land Transport Bureau, the name is changed, the number is issued and changed, and you can ride on public roads.

When registering ordinary cars and small cars at the Land Transport Bureau, the garage certificate is required to submit a garage certificate, so before the sale or transfer contract is established to the registration of the Land Transport Bureau, that is, before changing the name.You must follow the garage certificate.

On the other hand, light cars have no obligation to register at the Land Transport Bureau, such as ordinary cars and small cars.After a inspection at the Light Vehicle Inspection Association, you will change your name and get a license plate, and then apply for a garage notification at the police station in jurisdiction.

The period until it is issued

For ordinary cars and small cars, a local survey is conducted in principle after applying for a garage certificate at the police station.Police officers actually visit and check the storage location, so it takes time to complete the procedure, and it may take three to four days to issue a garage certificate, and it may take more than one week if it is late.

In addition, when a garage certificate is issued, it is necessary to go to the police.However, if you apply at the time of application, you can receive it by mail.

On the other hand, there is no field survey on the notification of the garage of a mini car, and a storage location mark will be issued to prove that the notification has been completed on the day of the procedure.

Click here for how to get on a new car mini car without the trouble of procedures!

What are the documents and expenses required for the "garage notification" of a mini car?

If you need a garage notification, submit the necessary documents to the window of the police station that jurisdiction over the garage address and complete the procedure.Basically, you can do it yourself, but if you pay a commission to a dealer or administrative scrivener when purchasing a mini car, you can request a substitute.

In addition, the notification of the garage of a mini car will be reported at the police station window, which has jurisdiction over the owner's address, within 15 days from the date of obtaining a license plate after inspection at the Light Vehicle Inspection Association.If there is no field survey, if there is no defect in the documents, a copy of the person will be issued on the spot.

Documents required for procedures

The documents required to notify the garage of a mini car are as follows.


It is a document to report that the storage location of the car is secured.In addition to the window, you can download it from the police station website.The style varies depending on the prefecture, so be sure to use the one in the prefecture where you live.Enter the car name, model, car body number, car size, and location of the car's home.


It is a document that applies for the issuance of the sticker of the storage location mark to be applied to a mini car.Like the car storage location notification form, use the documents prepared at the window or downloaded from the police station website.This also includes the car name, model, car body number, car size, and car home base.


Attach a map on the Internet or a copy of a paper map, or draw a map directly on the document.


It is a document that proves that the owner of a mini car has the authority to use the storage location.Submit a self -approved book if the storage location is your own land or where you are managed.In the case of the land owned by others or where others are managed, submit a copy of the consent of the storage location or a rental agreement, etc. signed by the owner or administrator.


The format of the self -approval and storage certificate of consent to use can be obtained at the police station or website.


If the applicant's address and the home base are different, you may submit a document that can check the location of the home base.This includes receipts of utility bills, postal items, and other documents that can confirm the actual situation of residence and sales.

In addition, depending on the area, you may need to copy a car inspection certificate (vehicle verification).Detailed rules vary from region to region, so be sure to check on the prefectural police website where you live.

Expenses for procedures

The cost of notifying the garage of a mini car varies slightly depending on the prefecture, but is about 500-600 yen.The fee for requesting a dealer or administrative scrivener for agency is about 10,000 to 20,000 yen.

Open costs!Click here for how to ride a new car from the 10,000 yen per month

Penalties for not reporting

If you do not report the garage even though it is an area that requires a garage, you may be fined 100,000 yen or less.The same is true for false notifications, such as falsifying the garage position.Please be careful when you forget to notify.

How to write the garage notification documents

A brief explanation of the necessary car storage location notification, storage location, and placement of storage locations, and placement diagrams in Tokyo.

How to write a car storage location notification form

Source: Metropolitan Police Department

Attach a new (new / change) column next to the "Automobile Storage location notification form", and the category of the auto is "light".Fill in the car names, models, chassis numbers, car size, and location of the home base of cars, as described in the vehicle verification while looking at the vehicle verification.

(Enterment example) In the case of Daihatsu Mirais

In the case of an individual, the "location of the home use of cars" is written in the vehicle verification (basically the address of the resident card).The location of the car storage location is described in the residential display where the parking lot is located.It must be less than 2 km from the location of the home base.

(Entry example)

The storage location mark number is usually not required.In the replacement of a mini car, there is no change in the location of the home base and the garage position, and only if the old car is currently owned or owned within 15 days, the storage location mark of the old car.By filling in, you can omit the submission of the location.

The lower row describes the police signature and the date of the application date, the address name and phone number of the applicant.

How to write a storage location marking application application

Source: Metropolitan Police Department

The contents are almost the same as the car storage location notification form, so fill in the same way.What is prepared at the police station is a copy, the first one is a car storage location notification, and the second one is the storage location marking application form.

How to write the location and placement of the storage location

Source: Metropolitan Police Department

Print and attach the map you have, or draw the map yourself.Since accuracy is required, use a ruler to describe a nearby road or a nearby landmark.

In the "Location Capture Contains" on the left frame, the position and distance between the home (home base) and the storage location are described, and the "placement and instructions section" on the right frame is the size of the garage and the width of the adjacent road.increase.In the case of a parking lot, etc., change the color by the corresponding part so that you can tell where it is in the parking space.

After the "garage notification" of the mini car, put the storage location mark on the car to complete.

The issued storage location mark is attached to the rear glass of the car.If you lose your sticker, do not remove it, as the reissue application and the issuance fee will be charged again.

As I have explained so far, purchasing a new car mini car has a large number of documents that need to be prepared, and it is necessary to complete the procedure at government offices and police stations.In addition, the time when the police station is open is limited to weekdays, so many people do not easily go to the counter due to work.

If you want to ride a new car mini car without any hassle, you can consider car leasing that you can ride a car more easily than buying it without complicated procedures.

Cur leasing allows the leasing company to obtain the garage certificate required at the time of purchase, and also includes the monthly fee, so there is no need to pay separately.In addition, there is no need for down payment or initial cost when buying a car, so you can start a car life with a low burden in terms of cost.

What is car leasing?

Car leasing is a subscription service that rents a car while paying a certain monthly fee with a lease company.

If you purchase a car, you will be charged a initial cost such as various taxes, liability insurance, and registration fee in addition to vehicle prices.In addition, if you own a car, you will have to prepare a large amount of money, as taxes, car inspections, and maintenance costs will be incurred every year.

In the case of car leasing, the monthly fee is only paid at the time of contract, and the burden is light, and depending on the leasing company, maintenance costs such as vehicle inspection and maintenance costs can be included in the monthly fee.Therefore, you can keep riding a car by paying a certain amount of payment every month without being panicked by an irregular expense.It is a perfect service for those who say, "I don't have any savings but need a car right now!"

In the car leasing, the residual value, which is the trade -in price at the time of the contract expiration, is subtracted from the vehicle price, and the monthly fee is calculated by dividing by the number of years of contract.

In the case of a loan, it is necessary to pay all of the vehicle prices, but in the case of car leasing, it will only pay the amount of residual value from the vehicle price, so it is also an advantage that the burden can be reduced rather than buying.。

Car leasing's "Frequently carm car Mo -kun" is a lot of trouble and the delivery is fast.

When purchasing a new car, you need to go to the dealer several times until delivery, but the flat -rate Calo -kun of the car lease is completed only by mail and mail, and it does not take time.Also, if you choose an instant delivery, the period to deliver is short, so you can start riding immediately when you want a new car.

The flat -rate Calmo -kun can deliver a speedy for a minimum of 3 weeks!

The delivery of a new car takes about 1 to 3 months unless the dealer is in stock.Also, in the case of popular models, it is not uncommon for six months to one year.

In that regard, "Caprician's flat -rate Carmo -kun" can be delivered at a minimum of 3 weeks and a new car purchase if it is an immediate delivery.The number of new cars that can be delivered is limited, so if you need a car right now, check it out as soon as possible.

The cheapest in Japan*You can easily ride without savings at the usage fee

The flat -rate Calmo -kun can use a popular model of a new car from the 10,000 yen per month, which is the cheapest in Japan.In addition, since the monthly fee includes various taxes and liability insurance premiums, there is no need to pay a comprehensive cost at the timing of the contract.It is also attractive that you can choose from all domestic car models and all grades, so you have a high degree of freedom to select a model.

Even those who have given up on the purchase of a mini car due to the initial cost and the burden of maintenance costs after purchase, the flat -rate Carmo -kun will not require the initial cost and the monthly burden will be reduced, so you can ride a new car with confidence.

* Among the Japan Automotive Lease Association Allied Federation, the monthly fee is the best in Japan in the service that leases new cars to individuals with completely fixed amount (no down payment, no bonus payment, closed end contract).Low price (July 13, 2021, survey of Stellaasocier Co., Ltd.)

Easy on the net!Choosing a car smoothly by prior trial screening

The flat -rate Calmo -kun can select a model online and simulate the price, so you can proceed with the procedure regardless of the time or place to apply for the screening online.The contract documents are also exchanged by mail and delivered to your home, so you do not need to visit the store.

In the case of car leasing, in general, after deciding the model you want to contract, the credit screening will be the flow of credit screening, but in a flat -rate Calo -kun, it is possible to determine whether to pass the screening by "trial examination" first.

The trial examination can be applied in about 5 minutes from the Internet, and the results of the examination are usually understood on the next business day (up to 3 business days).Furthermore, if the screening is passed, the models that can be contracted will be guided to guide them, so it is also an advantage that you can apply with confidence and select a car smoothly.

Completed in about 5 minutes!You can immediately see if you can use car leasing in a free trial screening

Popular mini car for "Frequent Carmo -kun by Tok

With a flat -rate Calmo -kun, more than 30 mini cars can be used from the 10,000 yen per month.Here are five most popular models.


Popular model with the number of new domestic car sales in 2017-2020 (Zenmisho Cooperation and Automatical Sales Research).There are high -level environments and equipment that were not lightly automatic, such as a large room, a door that is easy to get on and off, and high safety performance.

With a flat-rate Calmo-kun, you can ride the new car Honda "N-BOX" from 17,320 yen per month.


Despite the low price of 8620 yen, the equipment is equipped with a high quality design, high fuel economy performance, and an emergency brake function that responds to pedestrians.It is the perfect one for city riding.

With a flat -rate Calmo -kun, you can ride the new car Daihatsu "Mirais" from 11,220 yen per month.


Despite being a mini car, the spacious space, a large number of seat arrangements, and good fuel efficiency are attractive.It also has an advanced preventive safety device "Smart Assist".With a flat -rate Calmo -kun, you can ride a new car Daihatsu "Tanto" from 16,650 yen per month.


It is attractive because it has a large amount of storage that can be reached in itchy places.You can move the seat freely, so you can secure a large space according to the luggage you want to load.In addition, it has a mild hybrid system, so it has good fuel efficiency and is perfect for everyday use.

With a flat -rate Calmo -kun, you can ride the new car Suzuki "Wagon R" from 14,350 yen per month.


Equipped with both sides sliding doors as standard equipment, the design is simple, and the design does not get tired.All grades are equipped with "Smart Assist II" as standard equipment, so those who are not used to driving can drive with confidence.28 in JC08 mode of 2WD car.It also has an excellent fuel efficiency of 6km/L.

With a flat -rate Calmo -kun, you can ride the new car Daihatsu "Move Canvas" from 18,420 yen per month.

* It is a fee as of July 30, 2021.

Car lease if you take a new car light car quickly without any hassle!

When purchasing a mini car, you do not need a garage certificate, but in some areas you need to report the garage.You can apply at the police station that has jurisdiction over the address, but the application is basically accepted only during the daytime on weekdays, so if you have a purchase, let's prepare early so that it will be in time for the desired delivery date.。

If you have trouble with the purchase of a new car, or if you want to save the trouble of getting a garage certificate, you can complete the delivery from the Internet and mail to the delivery, and consider a flat -rate Calo -kun, which can ride a popular minicar from 10,000 yen per month.How about trying it?

* By March 15, 2022, you have applied from this link page and then have a contract (the contract date is possible after the period).

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Do you need a garage certificate if you buy a mini car?

A: In the case of a mini car, a garage certificate is not required, but in some regions requires a garage notification.Within 15 days after getting a license plate, the procedure will be performed at the jurisdiction police station.

Q2: What documents do you need to apply for a garage notification?

A: Submit a document that allows you to confirm the location of the car storage location location, a storage location sign, the location of the storage location and the location of the home base.In some areas, car verification may be required.Use a copy of the existing map for the location and placement of the storage location, or draw a map by yourself.

Q3: How to save time and get on a new car quickly?

A: The flat -rate Calmo -kun has an instant delivery car delivered in a minimum of 3 weeks, and you can ride a new car from the 10,000 yen range per month.The monthly fee includes various taxes and liability insurance premiums, so there is no need for a comprehensive cost at the time of the contract.

* The content of the article is produced with information as of September 2021.
