Did you have this hand!3 selections for cats to prevent escape from cats

There are many owners who choose "complete indoor breeding" for the safety of their beloved cats.However, cats are originally curious creatures, so they can find some gaps and escape.In order to protect your cat from danger, it is important to take thorough measures to prevent escape.

Therefore, in this article, I will introduce measures to prevent cat escape.I want you to think about a safe life with your cat.

Why do cats want to escape in the first place?

In the case of indoor cats, the territory of the cat should stay inside the house.Nevertheless, why is a cat trying to escape?First, check the main reasons for cats escape.

Because he has a curious personality

The first reason why cats escape is the curiosity strength.Originally, cats are curious creatures, so they are inevitably bored in their lives alone.Therefore, if you find insects and birds outdoors, you may be interested in them and escape with instinct.


Timing of estrus period

Cats want to go out for a mating partner because they are estrus when they are sexually mature.In particular, male cats who are not castrated or female cats who have not contraceptive try to go outdoors every time in estrus.By the way, the estrus period of the cat is early spring and early autumn.However, in the case of completely indoor breeding, it seems that the estrus period may reach three or four times a year.It is said that this is due to the longer the time illuminated throughout the year.


It seems that some cats escape due to daily stress.Cats feel strong stress when the number of people who live together increases and the living environment changes, when the answering time suddenly becomes long, or when the meal schedule has changed dramatically.Also, if you keep multiple cats, the incompatibility between the cats may also cause stress.

Main cat escape route

So where does the cat escape from the house?The main cats are cats at the entrance and windows.In many cases, the owner escapes from the gap as soon as the door is opened.In addition, some cats escape from the screen door on the window.It seems that some dexterous cats break the screen door with the forefoot with sharp claws, or hook their nails on the mesh and open the screen door with their own power.In order to effectively take cats escape prevention measures, it is a good idea to know the cat's escape route in advance.

Measures to prevent escape from cats

What measures should be taken for important cats?Here, we will introduce specific measures to prevent escape prevention by location.

Attach a panel door or partition fence to the entrance

Install a panel door and partition fence at the entrance to prevent cat escape.The entrance is a place that is likely to open throughout the day, such as when the owner goes out or when a sudden visit.Some of the cats are seeing the footsteps heading to the entrance and seeing a chance to escape.

There are plenty of items that can be easily installed even for rentals, without drilling of escape from the entrance for the entrance.There are also panel doors that can be both sliding and open doors, and partitions that can be opened in a flash, so it's a good idea to choose one that suits your lifestyle.

The veranda installs the Internet and Latis

In order to prevent your cat escaping, one way is to install net and lattice on the veranda.Cats are animals that prefer to look outside and sunbathe.The owner who puts a cat on the veranda needs to devise a cat so that the cat does not jump off and escape.If there is no gap between the veranda railing and the ceiling, even cats with excellent jumping power will be less concerned about escape.If you decorate Latis with plants, you can also use it as a stylish escape prevention item that can enjoy gardening.

Attach a screen door to the screen door

As mentioned earlier, cats may escape from the screen door.Therefore, a screen door is effective for cats who can open the screen door by themselves.Scale rock is an item that plays the role of a stopper so that the screen door cannot be slide.The best device for going in and out of the veranda to take in the laundry or when it is made into a screen for ventilation.

Some people do DIY with 100 uniforms and home improvement stores.

Some owners handmade fences and fences to prevent escape.Many people buy ingredients such as slicks, wire nets, strut rods, and binding bands at 100 uniforms and home centers, search for how to make them online and DIY.In the case of DIY, you can make your own in the original size according to the size of the house door and window, so that your cat is from escaping from a small gap.

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