Diary of a stay in France: Sanshiro's big ordeal.


Diary of staying in France "Great trial for Sanshiro. I tried to let him stay at home by himself" Posted on 2022/02/17 Hitonari Tsuji Writer Paris

The Diary of a Stay in France: Sanshiro's Great Trial Design Stories

"Sanshiro, wait, Dad, I'm going for a walk." Dad put on his jacket and prepared to go out. Not knowing that, Sanshirō stares blankly at me... By the way, Sanshirō hates going for walks. That's why I usually don't move. If you take him by force, he will lie on his stomach on the sidewalk and will not move. "Bye-bye" I wave my hand. Sanshirō sees me off with a feeling that he doesn't understand. Fufufu... It's the beginning of trials. I went down the stairs and went outside. I sat on the bench in front of my house, and when I looked into my phone, San-chan was staring blankly at the stairs with the ball in his mouth. Somehow, he has a strange face. "Wow!" The ball fell and rolled. "Wow! Papa! Monsieur, where are you?" My chest hurts, but let's see how it goes for 30 minutes. Sanshirō finally bit the fence and tried to break it, but it was hard. "Wow, wow!" I decided to go shopping at the fishmonger at the fishing port. While shopping, I checked my phone. Sanshirō was walking back and forth, barking. "Monsieur~, monsieur~" I decided to buy oysters at the fishmonger. I pointed to the oysters at the store and asked for them. Let's have fried oysters today. Then, a crying Sanshirō climbs up on a chair and tries to get out of the fence. I hurriedly used the microphone function and yelled, "Sanshiro, you can't do that." "Wow, wow, wow!! Huh??? Monsieur~. Where?" Monsieur~” “Oh no, I’m going home.” When I suddenly looked up, the shop staff and other customers were looking at me with suspicion. "Oh... no, this is..." I explained to everyone, and when I saw the image from the surveillance camera, everyone agreed and started laughing. "Discipline is the most important thing in the beginning. It can't be helped," said one of them, a madam with a Yorkshire puppy, laughing.

For the time being, I felt sorry for him, so I left him alone for 30 minutes today. When I got home, Sanshirō was barking and mumbling. Monsieur~, Monsieur~, hugging me while swinging my tail so violently that I hugged her as hard as I could. Like this, Sanshirō is becoming an adult little by little day by day. Gradually, I became able to live on my own. Dad hopes he'll be a somewhat independent puppy by the time he returns to Paris. I'm thinking about going to dinner tomorrow and leaving the house for about two hours... Ahaha. Let's have a snack. to be continued. Well, I have two news from my father. First, the homepage of NHK's program "Bonjour, Hitonari Tsuji's Winter Rice in Paris" has opened. For those who are interested, please... https://www.nhk.jp/p/ts/6XW8NZ748V/

And one more thing, Dad's writing class, Essay Edition guide. On March 13th, we will have an online writing class. For more information, please click the Earth College banner below.

・Bored diary “Dad, who gave in to Sanshiro’s strong will” ・Diary in France “When I let go of Sanshiro, a 62-year-old madam came and I was shocked” ・Bored diary “Sanshiro disappeared. Huh?? ??? "Super Mystery"
