The "decorotra" commitment produced by rice farmers is the soybean light bulb "I feel warmth not found in LEDs"

Yoshihiro Okita, who checks the acquaintance's decorotra.I feel like Momojiro Hoshi, the main character of the truck bastard series played by Bunta Sugawara

コメ農家がプロデュースする「デコトラ」 こだわりは豆電球 「LEDにはない温かみ感じる」

 In addition to rice -making, there is another face in Okita Rice Center, a representative of the Okita Rice Center, which is undertaken by farmers, Yoshihiro Okita (48) = Oguchi -Sogi, Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Prefecture.He is an artist who is in the creation of a truck "Deco Tora", which provides flashy illuminations between agricultural work.[Photo] A favorite tractor.This is not decor

 I have been dating with Deco Tora for 5 years. She bought a plastic model of the movie "Truck Bastard". She remodeled her bicycle into a decorative junior high school. After graduating from high school, he got a job at a shipping company in the prefecture and became a driver. At the age of 21, he was driven by Nogure and returned to his parents' house. He started helping agriculture and purchased a 10 -ton car. He was enthusiastic about the decoration. He participates in the art truck lovers in the prefecture, "Ryura Fleet," since the launch in 1997. The garage with full -fledged machines to handmade parts is like a town factory. He also receives requests for production and repair from his colleagues. Last fall, he gave his third favorite car to his acquaintance. His commitment is a light bulb. He feels warmth not found in LED balls. It is Kumi Tsumumi (51) to work on the concept of the new partner together. Madonna, who started dating her and gave me a bumper on her first birthday. In 2018, rice cultivation was canceled in 2018 due to the eruption of Kirishima Renzan Shrimp and Iwo Mountain Mt. Paddy fields 23 hectares are transferred to black beans. It harvests about 500 kilometers a year and focuses on processed products. "If it spreads as a special product and becomes the light of a farmer like the first star," he expects this bean.
