Yamato House started operation.A warehouse that visualizes the risk of heat stroke and influenza | New Switch by Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun

Daiwa House Industry will launch a system that can be seen by NTT Communications' heat stroke and the risk of influenza developed on the 23rd at a multi -tenant -type logistics facility (DPL) in Fuji City, Shizuoka Prefecture.13 will be installed in the warehouse, including a sensor that measures the temperature and humidity, and will build a mechanism that allows warehouse management offices and tenant companies to confirm risks on the monitor.Daiwa House will consider introducing other DPL facilities in the future.

大和ハウスが運用開始。熱中症やインフルエンザの発生リスクを見える化する倉庫|ニュースイッチ by 日刊工業新聞社

In the warehouse, a "WBGT sensor" and a temperature and humidity sensor that measure the heat index to prevent heat stroke prevention.The data from the sensor is collected and determined on the cloud, and the heat stroke and the vigilance of the influenza are displayed on the monitor in 3-5 levels.The between devices is wirelessly communicated, and the sensor has a built -in mobile battery, so there is no need for power and wiring, so it can be easily constructed.

In July, Yamato House has established a distribution DX promotion group in July, and will work on further security and security in the warehouse.

Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun August 23, 2021
