
"Cyberpunk 2077" is not clearly revealed, despite its release on November 19 this year.Fortunately, I decided to participate in a hands -on event for the media.A 4 -hour trial party touching the prologue part of the same work.In this article, we will send that pattern.

After the start of the trial, the first thing that jumped into the field of view was a screen that selected the origin of the player's alter ego, the "Life Pass".You can select the motivation and background part of why V has decided to walk the story of "Cyberpunk 2077" and why he is in Night City now.The scenes at the beginning mainly have a big impact on this choice, but the choices here are more detailed, such as a conversation option that can only be selected in a specific life pass may be presented in some cases.It will be.

There are three types of life paths to choose."I'm born, born, raised in night city, and the bad guys are mostly friends."Next, the wanderer "Normad" came from the outside.Normads usually move in a group, but V who came to the outskirts of Night City is a single wolf.The last is the elite winner salaryman "Corporate".If you choose this path, V will start a story as an upper class person who works for the three major companies, "Arasaka", a three major companies that dominate Night City.I wanted to play a "intelligent, serious but hidden ambition is the sharpness than a person", so I chose "Corporate" without hesitation.

Character creation function that determines appearance and initial abilities

The next step is to choose the gender and appearance of the character.There are more than 30 types of items, including hairstyles, skin colors, and textures, and some items such as tattoos and scratches are available.Players who want to be particular will be satisfied.However, as I mentioned earlier, I played a building for the domestic consumer version.The items related to the size of the genitals have been cut, and I decided to wear purple pants.

Character creations are not over yet.Move to the screen that allocates points to the status of V.This work has a status system with all five categories as a corner of the character build.The content is the "body" that affects physical strength, stamina, and meat battles."Response" is mainly related to attack speed, critical rate, and ability to avoid enemy attacks."Intelligence" that greatly affects hacking, which is a feature of this work."Technology" that acts on defense and equipment production/decomposition (craft)."Will" is closely related to stealth play.My V is an elite, and it is a type that does not dirty my hand, and I have greatly pointed to "intelligence" in order to fully enjoy the system "hacking" unique to this work.The rest is a lot of technology, and the rest are different.

Started as a V for a black company

After finishing the road screen where the movie flows, if I think that the game play has finally begun, I guess my V is exhaling gero in the office toilet.Then, his buddy, Jackie Wells, who is a work companion in the brain wireless, will be notified that he is worried about overwork death.What is it?Arasaka, where V works, was a black company.At the end of the conversation, V will receive a sudden call from his boss.Run in the company dashingly before eating the main eyeball.As you walk in the corridor, you can hear the employee's conversation just by approaching.Not one -on -one, and all the conversations you hear are displayed overhead with subtitles with audio.

In the impatient view, the current health status, the latest news, and stock prices using satellite communication are always displayed.Not limited to this, this work is focusing on expressions that use a lot of visuals, which are not only groups represented by delicate details, but in Japan, the anime "Denial Coil" and the manga "Ghost in the Shell".It extends to the expressions related to VR, such as described in the "squad".If you drink alcohol, the visibility will be distorted, and if a virus is put in the brain, the visibility will run and the mosaic will be applied.When you skip the conversation, you can insert a production and film grain that seems to be a video tape early.This work can customize the appearance of V, including the clothes worn.Nevertheless, I was wondering about adopting the FPS format due to directing.But when you experience this way, you will be convinced.

While giving instructions to his subordinates who made a mistake on the way, V finally reached his boss.His boss was a villain like a picture, and was a losing dog who slipped down from the successful road.Another boss's assassination order came out of the boss's mouth.He says to kill his rivals who have kicked himself.There is no option to refuse, and V asks for cooperation with his partner Jackie.However, this is a night city that swirles conspiracy.The assassination order has already been detected, and V has seized all private property and fired the company.I lost everything.

But Jackie tells me:"I should start again from here."In this way, I became an outlaw that burned my ambitions at Night City, that is, "Cyberpunk."The above is the introduction of the life pass "Corporate".From here, the story proceeds to the prologue.Regarding the remaining "Street Kid" and "Nomad" development, you may want to refer to other magazines' trial reports.By the way, the rough content of the prologue does not change regardless of the choice in the work, but it will change after the NPC involved.

Combat training in virtual space

After the introduction, I was waiting for a combat tutorial using a virtual space spread in the brain.There are four prepared items.Shooting training, hitting training, stealth training, hacking training.Regarding shooting, it can be considered a very common first -person shooter action.Shoot with enemies on the site.Use the cover action and the sliding from the dash to capture the battlefield.These actions are possible if you have a gun.It is important to note that dashes consume stamina regardless of battle.

On the other hand, it is a combat action that combines high -speed attacks, large -pooling attacks, and guards with instant avoidance behavior.This is an action that can be taken if you have a special weapon or a special weapon.Both consume stamina and take action.And stealth is a very common stealth action like shooting.If you approach from behind without finding it, you can select whether to strangle or strangle it.This work is an important option to stun without killing enemies because the story development depends on the survival of the character.

Finally, I will introduce hacking, a system unique to this work.If the shooting and blow are equivalent to the "Kogaki" command in JRPG, it will be easier to understand if you imagine that it is equivalent to the "Mahou" command.Hacking can be activated by consuming the memory of the device called a cyber deck, and can be activated only for the target effect (eg, the door is unlocked by consuming one memory).In addition, by uploading the malware called "Demon", which is equipped on a cyber deck in advance, it is possible to shorten the enemy's brain or disable weapons.

By hacking the devices connected to the network, it can also affect the devices and humans connected to the same network.For example, hacking surveillance cameras → connecting to the net → activating a daemon that lowers defense, reduces the defense of humans being connected to the same network.By the way, when connecting to the network, it is necessary to clear a mini game that enters the code array within the time limit.This game becomes more difficult as the uploading daemon is powerful.According to the development team, it is considering the function of skipping this mini game for players who are not good at games.

The key to combat action in Cyberpunk 2077 is to combine these four types in real time.The enemies that appear in this work are hard, and just attacking the weak points will not fall down.The power of the attack is also high, so if you just shoot each other, you will be killed.Players are required to be flexible in the strategy of battle, such as watching the opportunity while aiming for the enemy from a long distance, hacking peripheral devices, approaching and beating down when the movement is sealed.If you understand the level structure, you can make a complete stealth, but I felt that it was quite difficult personally because of the richness of the gimmicks and the excellent enemies.

In addition to the content described now, it is possible to acquire dedicated actions for each part by applying body remodeling.For example, enhancing your feet will acquire two -stage jumps, reach a place where you can not usually go, and will be able to activate the air killing method.If you enhance your arms, you will be able to beat down even heavyweight opponents, or forcibly open closed doors.In addition, this work has the concept of weight in equipment and items, so you have to pay attention to what you carry.It is necessary to try and error how far it is to be procured locally, or how to remodel to increase the acceptable weight.

『サイバーパンク2077』先行プレイレポート。「All open world」で「選択と結末」が持つ魅力を存分に発揮

There are multiple options from the first job

After finishing the tutorial, let's get to work.At this point, it was possible to stroll through the night city in general, but I decided to play the prepared story quest first.In conclusion, the story quest was still the main line, and the charm of the "selection and ending", which is the concept of "Cyberpunk 2077", was condensed.In addition, this article will focus on the progress of the quest called "collection".

By the way, in order to take the world at this night city, the cooperation of a big influential person is indispensable.It is better to keep your neck close to you to hang your neck someday.So V and Jackie decided to contact the fixer "Dexter Dechan" (hereinafter referred to as Dex), who has recently returned.Then he seemed to have a "plan", and V and V were in charge of some preparations.It is a so -called "recruitment test".One of them is the capture of "spider -type bot" is the content of this mission.

Originally, the "spider -type bot" was owned by Militech (one corner of the three major companies), but it seems that the gang group "Mailstrom" was robbed.Dex is already paying the Mailstrom, but the leader has replaced it, so it is likely that there was no contract without any substitute.So you should bring a bot in front of you.It is unreasonable.But there is no help for it because of his ambition.Let's make a plan while sighing.

Here, the choice is presented to the player.Do you meet Miritech's agent, Meredis Stout, or just get on the gang's hideout?I decided to meet Meredis for the time being.Meredis, who had been suspicious of this matter, threatened V as soon as he met V.However, he is not a person who is afraid of such a sword curtain.V is a person who worked for former Arasaka and was in charge of intelligence.Here, I was able to select the "options exclusively from Corporate".Meredis, who has been upset that his position is in danger in the company, gives V to V (like a cash card) to V.You should buy a bot with this.

But here my sixth sense shouts.Absolutely barre.When I wondered what to do with Meredis, who is leaving with a melancholy face, realizes that I should remove the virus.I was making a lot of points to the "intelligence" status at the time of the character creation, making it possible to purify the chips.If you clear the mini -game, a chip with "beautiful cash data" will be completed.The virus that had been prepared as a bonus was obtained as a demon.In this work, the status numbers also affect the actions and options during the conversation that the player can take directly, and for example, if you shake more "intelligence", you can solve the problem by hacking like this time.Is possible.

Procplemented weapons and cyberware before boarding the enemy hideout

Now, let's renew the equipment before heading to the hideout.The weapon of this work is divided into a "gun" category and a "melee weapon" category in addition to the hacking cyber deck mentioned earlier.From there, there are three types of guns: "power", which is a cheap weapon using gunpowder, "Smart", which has mechanical characteristics such as homing function, and "Tech", a so -called railgun.

Furthermore, the category is divided into detailed categories (eg, handgun, rifle, blade, etc.), and there are the skills of skills related to each skill and the concept of park (Perk).For example, if you keep using a handgun, the skills of the "handgun" category will increase, and various benefits will be obtained.The park is canceled by consuming a park point to be obtained by raising the level of V itself.In addition, the skill ripeness of each category cannot be raised beyond the corresponding status.For example, if the value of "intelligence" is 8, the skilled skills in the corresponding hacking category can be increased to 8.

These weapons will eventually affect the story.Weapon choices are the selection of status that emphasizes, and the status affects the solution to the choices and issues in the story.There is even a possibility that the ending you greet depending on the direction of the character build.There are many open world games that use this method at this time, but it is unusual for a work that explicitly puts a load on the player's choice by preparing a level cap.

Apart from the armor that is equipped on the limbs and the head, there is also a "cyberwear" equipped with a built -in body.The so -called body remodeling is equivalent to this, and it is effective by installing it in the slots of each part.In addition, since it is necessary to perform surgery to install cyberwear, it can be customized only at a specialty store run by an engineer and doctor called "Reipardok".It is possible to replace the lungs, increase the maximum value and recovery of stamina, or put a fighting blade on the arm.The appearance of V also changes accordingly.It seems that some Night City provide a so -called "dark repardore", a cheap remodeling, and a cyberwear with peaky performance.

Drive, and hideout

After preparing, board your car that comes automatically.With Jackie, express to Mailstrom's hideout.The variations of your car will increase by purchasing directly at the shop or obtained as a quest reward.If the point of the "body" is a certain number or higher, it is possible to rob the car on the road.Of course, if you imitate such a mimic, the police will not be silent, and will chase and attack.This is the same for pulling out guns at public facilities, running over people, or playing violence such as firing.Police are quite tough and can be confronted, but it would be best to escape.By the way, if you repeat criminal acts, your arrangement will increase, and the elite unit called "Max Tuck" will move to kill the hero.

Arrived at the hideout while struggling to drive unfamiliar driving.It was good to invade from the back, but this is dignified from the front.Then the red cyber eye flock won two people.Mailstrom is one of the gangs, and is characterized by the fact that the body is extremely illegal.The hideout is set up in various weapons, such as land mines and turrets.These can be recovered if the technology status is high, and if the body status is high, it can be forcibly torn off and used as a weapon.

After a chat with a sense of tension with the lower end, their boss, Lois, appeared.Negotiations have started.Here, a certain idea crosses my head."If you process Royce suddenly, your future enemies will disappear, you will get the weapons that Koitsu will have, and you will get a beautiful cash.No, be calm.Being prominent here and being treated as dangerous molecules from the surroundings is more bad than the enemy disappears.Let's make a borrowing while carrying out the transaction.I warned Miritech, giving money to Lois, and tried to set up.Then Miritech suddenly assaults.Ajito becomes a battlefield.

I was able to leave the spot obediently, but I decided that using Lois would be effective later.In particular, I burned my hand to deal with enemies on the machine, but after I realized that I should hack and overflow, it was just iron scraps.When I went out of my life, I was waiting for her, not Meredis, but a man.He told Meredis that he had lost and did not pursue any more.It is a thank you for helping yourself.This completes the mission.When you complete the mission, you will get experience not only at your own level but also in the item "Credo".Credo has a reputation in the night city, and as the numbers become higher, the number of stores that can be used will increase, for example, and the product lineup will change.

The only thing I could play this time was the prologue, but there were already many options, and a wide variety of endings were glimpsed.Perhaps it was confirmed that the development of characters would be involved in the progress of the story.Regarding the world view, I hope that although it is rough, it will be recognized that the existence of companies, gangs, and fixers, and that various organizations and individuals are intertwined complicatedly.In addition, an adventure part that uses a device that can relive human memories called "BD" (Brain Dance), which uses four viewpoints: "first -person viewpoint", "third -person viewpoint", "heat source", and "sound".I was able to experience some sub -events.The sub -event contains a story with a story that has a transformation, and something that is not, and when all are cleared, Credo rises.

All open world

In a single word, in a word, "all open worlds are served."The system that has been highly evaluated in the open world works in the east and west is packed as much as possible.I couldn't find it.In addition, non -linear gameplay has been achieved by the expression of "selection and ending", which is the concept of the work, that is, the fostering of the character and the interaction of the multi -ending system.Whether it's a conversation or an action, the options that feel too much are stimulating the creator's creativity by thoroughly combining with the worldview that focuses on detail, and produces more play than just a capture.

In my case, I was able to play the main character V to the end, "I'm a serious ambitious person of the elite, but I can't drink alcohol.Because there is a system that allows the background that this game is a former elite, the option of being an ambitious person, presents the options of drinking or not drinking one after another, and prepares a system that allows you to complete the battle without dirty hands.Because he was doing it.Not only that, but it also depicts a "real" world where you can hear breathing, which does not float as a good character even if you play such a play.Regarding localization, there was nothing that could be felt as expected.The acting of the actors is also a wonderful quality from the leading role to Mob.

Conventions of UI convenience and directing due to expression restrictions

However, on the other hand, many points were scattered.The first is that the adventure part using BD lacks fun.As I mentioned earlier, there are exploding parts in which human memories are relied on while switching four viewpoints, but the visibility of the effects indicating the target object is poor, so you can not reach clear while spinning around the four viewpoints.That situation has occurred frequently.In addition, the situation of having to keep watching the same video repeatedly is irreplaceable because of the gap between a variety of thoughts and actions that can take action.

The second is the lack of convenience in the character build screen UI.The character build system of this work is a complex specification consisting of "V itself level", "Credo", "5 statuses", "weapon skills corresponding to each status", and "park for each weapon".At a glance, these correlations are not clear.It will take some time to get used to it.

Third, it is difficult to understand the rules of the mini -game inserted when hacking.This is not a problem with the content of the puzzle, but the information on the tutorial is quite poor.Like a previous game, you need to grasp the tips of solution by groping.This is scheduled to be improved before the game is released.

Fourth is concerned about the effects of expression regulations on the production."Cyberpunk 2077" is an indispensable factor in depicting the worldview of "people who are possessed by constant body remodeling", the existence of sexual descriptions that transcend gender and body boundaries and radical radical views.Gore depictions are listed.In the domestic consumer version, these depictions will be restricted.First of all, the exposure of the genitals is cut for sexual description.Replaced with underwear.As a result, the genital items have been replaced with underwear items in character making.Advertisements related to sex, graffiti with genital motifs, and sex scenes seem to be replaced with different productions.

Regarding the depiction of gore, the exposure of the brain and organs is mainly eliminated, and the cutting surface of the body is drawn using a dark color.Cutting the human body, four scattering itself occurs.At the time of the previous play, it was confirmed in a tuned -up building for the consumer version, and it was confirmed that there were regulations on grotesque depictions such as sexual expressions and exposure of organs.

Cyberpunk 2077 has succeeded in creating a brilliant world with its commitment.Under such circumstances, the worldview was not as collapsed, but I felt that the regulatory part was floating unnaturally.The regulated sexual depictions and violence depictions are indispensable in expressing the world where the concept of human beings has been destroyed in various aspects by science and technology that has lost control.With our ethics in the world that doesn't work with common sense, it may feel somehow beautiful and unsatisfactory in terms of persuasive power.Through the trial, I began to worry about such concerns.

Nevertheless, for example, a sign with a male organs is devised, such as putting a gritch expression on an electronic bulletin board so that it matches the world view of the game, rather than simply filling it in black.If there is no rating in the first place, the product cannot be released.In Japan, the fact is that rating cannot be passed with the same expression as the overseas version, and many of the game developers are struggling to avoid the play experience as much as possible, even though they are within the tolerance.The CD PROJEKT RED was no exception, and it was explained that during the test play, the development art team was making changes with a lot of trouble.

As mentioned above, the four -hour gameplay was as expected, but at the same time, it also supported the decision to postpone the CD Projekt Red.Regarding the nuclear part, it has the charm that shines so that it can be fluttered even in the trial stage, but it lacks painting dragon points.It is said that adjustments are still needed in terms of accessibility, whether it is boring of an adventure part that cannot be found, whether it is a convenient status screen, or the mini -game is difficult to understand.I was strongly recognized.However, what I played this time is the "trial version".In other words, it is assumed that further upgrades will be raised by the time the "product version" is released.The good part is even better, the bad parts must be removed, and it must be the ultimate large vessel.I want to wait for a long neck when "Samurai" wakes up from an eight -year sleep.

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