Compare coin parking management methods!Explains recommended operating companies and how to choose

Coin parking management is one of the popular land utilization methods because it requires less initial cost and less management effort than the management of apartments and tenants. Although the difficulty level is low, in some cases it is expected to generate higher profits than the monthly parking lot, so it is often introduced on the web and information magazines.

However, even if you read and investigate them, there are several management methods for coin parking, and there are many operating companies, so many people may be worried that they do not know which one to choose. In this article, we will compare the management methods and operating companies of coin parking, and organize and introduce them so that they are easy to choose. If you are thinking of starting a coin parking business, please refer to it.

■ If you are uncertain about how to utilize the land, it is recommended to consult with "Yeool Land Utilization"!

\ Free diagnosis with a service used by 100,000 people a year / See plans in Yeoul

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  • Work that the owner should do in coin parking management
  • Compare coin parking management methods
  • Which is recommended, the self-employed method or the lump-sum borrowing method?
  • 6 points to choose a coin parking operator
  • Compare 5 recommended coin parking operators
  • Five points to note about coin parking management
  • summary
  • For land utilization, we recommend "Yeool Land Utilization" operated by a listed company!
  • Basic knowledge of coin parking management

    What is coin parking management in the first place? Before introducing a concrete comparison, I will explain the advantages and disadvantages of starting coin parking management by utilizing land and the difference from the monthly parking lot.

    How to operate coin parking

    There are two types of coin parking operation methods: self-employed and lump-sum borrowing. With the self-employed method, you have to do almost all the preparation and management work yourself. However, you can outsource some of the work to a contractor.

    The lump-sum borrowing method is a method of entrusting preparation and management operations to a coin parking operating company. Since the operating company rents land from the owner and entrusts the business in a lump sum, it is called a lump-sum borrowing method.

    The owner signs a parking lot lease agreement with the operating company, and the owner only rents the land to the operating company. Almost all the preparation for opening and daily management and operation work will be left to the operating company. However, there are some jobs that the owner does depending on the final tax return and contract conditions.

    Benefits of using land for coin parking management

    Among the myriad land utilization, the advantages of starting coin parking management are as follows.

    Land utilization that requires a building, such as rental management, requires an initial cost of 10 million yen. However, coin parking only costs a few million yen at most because it only paves the land and installs equipment, and it will be possible to start the business in about a month.

    Also, even if the land is small and the shape is bad, if it is possible to park the car, it will be established as a coin parking lot. Even if a disaster occurs, if the equipment is safe, business can be resumed immediately, and other land can be used simply by removing the equipment.

    Disadvantages of utilizing land in coin parking management

    Looking only at the merits, it makes me want to start coin parking management, but of course there are also disadvantages. To avoid regret, be aware of the following disadvantages.

    There is a reduction in property taxes on land, which can be up to six times higher than it would be without a building. Also, when inheriting land to children, there is no tax incentive for coin parking management.

    In terms of profits, the bottleneck is that the land can only be used on a flat surface. If it is an apartment or condominium, you can increase the number of users by taking advantage of the height, but in coin parking management you can only use a flat surface and you can not expect high profits.

    Please refer to this article for the advantages and disadvantages of coin parking management.

    What are the merits of using land with coin parking? .. There are various ways to utilize land, but coin parking management is one of the methods that can utilize land efficiently. Coin parking

    Difference from monthly parking lot management

    The management form of the parking lot is not only coin parking but also monthly parking lot. The differences between the two are as follows.

    Comparison itemsCoin parking managementMonthly parking lot
    Profit quote Thousands of yen for 24-hour operation per unit 4,000 to 30,000 yen per unit
    Profit stability ○ ○
    Land pavementNeedUnnecessary

    Assuming that there are always users, coin parking management can be expected to be more profitable. However, on land with low utilization rates, profits will not be stable, and you may not be able to earn more than monthly parking lots.

    If it is a monthly parking lot, there is no problem even if the land remains gravel, and if you draw a border, you do not need equipment. There is no initial cost, and the period until the start of operation is shorter than coin parking.

    Work that the owner should do in coin parking management

    What kind of work does the owner have to do if he starts coin parking on a self-employed basis? We will introduce you from the preparation stage to troubleshooting after the start of operation, so let's imagine how much you can do by yourself while grasping the whole picture.

    Work to prepare for the opening of coin parking

    Introducing the preparatory work that the owner should do until the coin parking opens.

    Owner's jobexplanation
    Confirmation of regulations, procedures, etc.
    Survey of parking needs
    Preparation before construction

    I've introduced them in chronological order, but roughly speaking, this is all you need to do. Considering time, labor, expertise, and safety, it is recommended to get professional help at least for design and construction.

    Management and operation work after opening coin parking

    Next, I will introduce the management and operation work that the owner has done on a daily basis since the coin parking opened.

    Owner's jobActivity frequencyexplanation
    managementas needed
    PR activitiesas needed
    Inspection and cleaning in the parking lotevery day
    Collecting moneyevery day
    Trouble shootingas needed
    totalevery day

    * Excluding final tax returns

    Coin parking owners need to do all this every day.

    Trouble-shooting work that bothers the owner

    Since coin parking is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, it is a heavy burden to deal with troubles by one owner. So let's see what kind of troubles can occur.


    Trouble due to breakdown or damage of parking equipment

    If a parking device breaks down, such as no money in the checkout machine, no change or receipt from the checkout machine, or the flap does not rise, you must immediately rush to deal with it.

    There are also malicious users who try to force the goods out because they do not want to pay the fee and destroy the gate. In such cases, you must call the police.

    Trouble due to user's mistake

    Various troubles such as lost parking ticket, incorrect payment with another number, abandoned vehicle and long-term parking will occur, so you will be required to deal with it each time.

    There are also urgent troubles such as accidents with vehicles and objectives. Accidents on private land are not subject to the Road Traffic Act, and accidents in coin parking are not treated as traffic accidents, so the police often do not respond, and knowledge of the law may be required when responding.

    Complaints from neighbors

    Neighbors may complain about noise, lighting brightness, and exhaust fumes. In such a case, it is necessary to take measures such as making a signboard to call attention or patrol regularly to speak to the user.

    For land utilization, we recommend the safe "Yeool Land Utilization" operated by a listed company!

    ■ Reasons why Yeool land utilization is recommended

    \ Free diagnosis with a service used by 100,000 people a year / See plans in Yeoul

    Compare coin parking management methods

    I introduced that there are two types of coin parking management, a self-employed method and a lump-sum borrowing method, but what exactly is the difference? We will compare the following five management contents.

    Management contentSelf-employedBulk borrowing method
    Preparation and management workThe owner doesPerformed by the operating company
    Initial cost / management costThe owner bearsThe operating company bears
    RevenueProportional to occupancy rateEven if the utilization rate is high, you cannot expect that much
    Income stabilityNot stablestable
    Freedom of managementexpensivelow

    Let's take a closer look at each.

    Preparation / management / operation work

    Preparation, management and operation work includes confirmation of regulations and needs investigation introduced above, as well as cleaning and troubleshooting. In the self-employed method, the owner has to do this by himself, but in the lump-sum borrowing method, the owner simply rents the land to the operating company and leaves it to the operating company.

    Burden of initial costs and management costs

    The cost burden is who will bear the initial cost required to start coin parking management and the management cost required to manage and operate daily after coin parking opens.

    Contents of initial costContents of management fee
    (Approximately 3.5 million yen for 10 cars)

    In the self-employed method, the owner bears such expenses, but in the lump-sum borrowing method, the operating company bears it. However, even in the case of the lump-sum borrowing method, some owners may bear the cost depending on the contract conditions.

    If you want to know more about the initial cost of coin parking management, this article is also recommended.

    Thorough explanation of the initial cost of coin parking management! Introducing tips for making profits Even if you just own land, property tax will be levied, so I think that many people are thinking about making effective use of unused land to earn income. As a method of land utilization, coin parking management that can be started relatively easily can be mentioned, but to start coin parking management

    Revenue / income stability

    The self-employed method can use the income earned from coin parking as the owner's income. The better your business performance, the more income you will earn, but the worse you are, the risk of losing money. Monthly income is not stable because income fluctuates due to fluctuations in occupancy rates.

    On the other hand, in the lump-sum borrowing method, the income obtained is not directly the income of the owner. Parking lot income goes into the operating company and is paid as rent by the operating company. However, the amount of rent is fixed monthly regardless of business performance, so you can earn a stable income every month.

    Freedom of management

    The self-employed method has a high degree of freedom in management, such as being able to set the amount of usage fees by yourself. If the operating conditions are good, the owner can set a high usage fee to further increase profits at the owner's discretion. On the other hand, in the lump-sum borrowing method, the operating company is involved in the decision, so the owner cannot decide everything.

    Which is recommended, the self-employed method or the lump-sum borrowing method?

    I have compared the self-employed method and the lump-sum borrowing method, but which one is recommended after all? Here, we will introduce what kind of people are suitable for each from the compared contents. Let's use one of the criteria as to which one is most applicable to you.

    Those who are suitable for self-employed coin parking management

    If you want to start coin parking management by self-employed method, the following people are suitable.

    Closeness to home is important because you have to deal with yourself 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It takes a lot of effort to deal with troubles, but the profits will come into your pocket as it is. It may fail a little when you are just starting out, but you will be able to acquire high knowledge and experience and aim for high profits in the future.

    Those who are suitable for lump-sum borrowing coin parking management

    If you want to start coin parking management with a lump-sum borrowing method, the following people are suitable.

    If too much effort is taken in coin parking management, which is a challenge as a side business, the main business will be hindered. As a matter of fact, the trouble of management becomes a bottleneck, and many people choose the lump-sum borrowing method for operation. Even if you choose the self-employed method, many people seem to outsource part of their work to the operating company. Especially if you are running a coin parking lot for the first time, we recommend the lump-sum borrowing method even if your profits decrease a little.

    6 points to choose a coin parking operator

    I explained that if you choose the lump-sum borrowing method, you will be managed through the operating company, but here we will introduce the following six points regarding how to select a coin parking operating company.

    It is important to choose a reliable company because you will deposit your own assets as well as the estimated amount of rent and consignment fee.

    Has a track record of over 10 years and has a large number of orders

    It has been more than 10 years since it opened, and the operating company with a large number of orders has accumulated a considerable amount of know-how, so even when dealing with rare case troubles or being forced to make difficult management decisions, we will utilize our experience and achievements. It will support you well.

    Cleaning and maintenance system is in place

    Cleaning and maintenance are the basics of managing and operating coin parking. Especially if it is a coin parking lot that can be expected to be used by repeaters, unless it is a clean and easy-to-use parking lot, you will not feel like using it again. Have them show you the cleaning and maintenance manuals, and check if a regular cleaning and maintenance system is in place, and what to do if your parking equipment breaks down or is damaged or is illegally dumped.

    You can quickly deal with problems

    Trouble shooting is also the key to managing and operating coin parking. In addition to the troubles and complaints introduced earlier, unexpected troubles may occur. Let's check whether there is a system that can respond promptly and what kind of response will be taken in case the police can not respond.

    Build good relationships with your neighbors

    If you do not build a good relationship with your neighbors, it will have an adverse effect not only during the operation of coin parking, but also after it is diverted to other land utilization methods. It's a good idea to ask what you are doing when you join a shopping district association, participate in local events, or are asked for financial assistance.

    There is a person in charge who has high skills and is compatible

    It is safe to have someone with high skills and good compatibility in charge. The points to identify such a good person are as follows.

    A company that cares for its employees also treats the land it entrusts with care. Ask the person in charge who came for the length of service and how many years the person in charge will change. Be careful if you change your company frequently, or if you are a company that does not change for too long.

    A member of an industry group

    One of the points in choosing an operating company is that it is a member of the Japan Parking Business Association, which is an industry group for coin parking.

    Companies that are working side-by-side to boost the industry as a whole, not just their own, are likely to make good suggestions to their owners as they receive a lot of new information within the industry. prize.

    Compare 5 recommended coin parking operators

    Next, I would like to introduce 5 recommended companies from among the many coin parking operating companies. Please compare and visit the official website if you find a company that interests you.

    Company name (service name)Business areafeature
    Times 24NationwideA long-established store that established coin parking for the first time in Japan
    Apartman IxiesMainly in Kanto and KansaiThe staff is friendly and the story is easy to understand
    Yours CorporationMainly in the metropolitan area and TohokuContribute to increasing occupancy rate with our uniquely developed reservation system
    NTT Le ParcNationwideIntroducing the latest ICT system, easy-to-use design
    Apple ParkMetropolitan area, Kansai, OkinawaSystematize a wide range of services into 8 plans

    Times 24

    Times 24 operates Times Parking, which is familiar with black signboards on a yellow background. Times 24 is a long-established store that established Japan's first coin parking lot in 1991, and manages and operates about 20,000 parking lots in all prefectures, and has a track record of being one of the best in the industry.

    Coin parking can be done from land with a frontage of about 5m and a depth of about 6m. The contract period is 2 years and is automatically renewed every year thereafter. After the contract period has expired, you can cancel the contract with a notice of 3 months in advance.

    We have a consistent management system with management maintenance and a call center, and the Times Service of our group companies is available 24 hours a day to deal with sudden troubles. It is well-known and has a solid management system, and its strength is the sense of stability unique to a long-established store.

    ・ Headquarters location: Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo ・ Established in 1971 ・ Capital: 2,400 million yen ・ Number of employees: 755 alone, 5,211 consolidated ・ Sales offices: Tokyo, Hokkaido, Miyagi, Iwate, Saitama, Tochigi, Chiba, Kanagawa, Shizuoka, Aichi, Ishikawa, Tomiyama, Kyoto, Osaka, Nara, Hyogo, Hiroshima, Okayama, Ehime, Fukuoka, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Oita, Kagoshima, Okinawa URL: http://www.times24.

    Click here for official website

    Apartman Ixies

    Apartman Ixies develops a coin parking business under the brand name of Time Parking. It is one of the group companies of Apartment, a real estate trading and management company.

    We are developing our business mainly in the Kanto and Kansai regions. Coin parking can be made if there is a space for a payment machine with a width and depth of 50 cm or more from two or more cabins with a width of 2.5 m and a depth of 5 m. The contract period is usually 2 to 3 years (extendable), but a short-term contract of a minimum of 1 year is also possible due to provisional land utilization.

    The catchphrase is the most friendly coin parking in Japan, and it has been highly evaluated by contracted owners, such as "I decided by looking at the personality of the staff" and "The story is easy to understand and there is no forcibleness".

    ・ Headquarters location: Suita City, Osaka Prefecture ・ Year of establishment: 2010 ・ Capital: 9 million yen ・ Number of employees: 59 ・ Sales bases: Osaka Prefecture, Tokyo ・ URL: / /

    Click here for official website

    Yours Corporation

    Yours Corporation is a pioneer in the industry that has been developing monthly parking lot business mainly in the Tokyo metropolitan area since its establishment in 1974. The coin parking business is centered around the Tokyo metropolitan area and Tohoku under the brand name of Yours Parking System.

    Utilizing the know-how accumulated over many years in the parking lot business, in order to meet the intermediate needs between monthly parking lots and coin parking, please contribute to increasing the occupancy rate with our own services such as developing a parking lot reservation system and reserve parking lot. increase.

    The contract period is usually two years and is renewed every two years thereafter, but flexible support is also possible.

    ・ Headquarters location: Setagaya-ku, Tokyo ・ Established in 1974 ・ Capital: 41.984 million yen ・ Number of employees: 92 ・ Sales office: Miyagi, Tokyo ・ URL:

    Click here for official website

    NTT Le Parc

    NTT Le-Parc is a group company of NTT, and is developing a land utilization consulting business centered on parking lots and housing brokerage. The coin parking business provides services based on the concept of safety, security and comfort.

    In particular, we have introduced the latest ICT system unique to the NTT Group, which makes it easy to park cars without locking, and it is also possible to make cashless payments and install surveillance cameras. Therefore, it has a good reputation as a coin parking lot that is easy for users to use and easy for owners to manage.

    ・ Headquarters location: Taito-ku, Tokyo ・ Established in 1985 ・ Capital: 20 million yen ・ Number of employees: 47 ・ Sales base: Tokyo ・ URL:

    Click here for official website

    Apple Park

    ApplePark is a parking lot and bicycle parking lot management company that operates mainly in the Tokyo metropolitan area. A feature of ApplePark is that it organizes a wide range of services into eight plans in an easy-to-understand manner. It is designed to make it easy to choose from owners who want to handle everything from the opening to management and operation, to owners who want to manage themselves but want to support what they lack.

    The contract period of the lump-sum loan plan can be as short as 3 months, and if you want to cancel, if you notify us 1 month in advance, the equipment will be removed and the land will be returned in about 1 week.

    The company is highly evaluated by the owners for the response of the person in charge, such as "The result was satisfactory because they listened to me kindly" and "The most kind and polite explanation was given".

    ・ Headquarters location: Kita-ku, Tokyo ・ Established in 1991 ・ Capital: 89.6 million yen ・ Number of employees: 67 ・ Sales offices: Tokyo, Kanagawa, Osaka, Okinawa ・ URL: https://www.applepark .jp /

    Click here for official website

    Five points to note about coin parking management

    Finally, I would like to introduce the following points to note regarding coin parking management.

    Even when entrusting preparation and management to the operating company, it is important to maintain the perspective of a manager and to have the feeling of protecting and nurturing your valuable assets.

    Investigate parking needs

    Find out what kind of area your property is within a 1km radius and what kind of parking lot you have. In addition to coin parking, there is a monthly parking lot in the parking lot. The differences are as follows.

    Comparison itemsCoin parkingMonthly parking lot
    usage periodTime unit Monthly unit
    Purpose of use / targetUnspecified number
    Location conditions

    Of these, it is difficult to determine whether the land owned by the office district is suitable for coin parking or monthly parking. Coin parking is more suitable in areas where there are more train commuter trains than private car commuter trains. It is difficult for an amateur to make a decision, so consult with a professional operating company.

    Determine the future of coin parking demand

    If you want to continue coin parking management for a long period of time, it is important to determine not only the current needs but also the future. According to data from the Automobile Inspection & Registration Information Association, the increase in the number of vehicles owned is less than 1% compared to the previous year. Due to the declining population, management may become difficult in rural areas and even in urban areas in the next few decades.

    In particular, since 2020, the demand for coin parking has fluctuated significantly as we have continued to refrain from going out due to the spread of coronavirus infection. It is hard to say that we can continuously secure sufficient users even in a location close to commercial facilities. Even in the office district, the spread of remote work will affect demand. If you are in the red and have no hope of recovering in the future, you must decide to withdraw early.

    Check the surrounding market price regularly

    Even if you leave the management and operation to the operating company, make sure that your usage fee is appropriate and that the usage fee presented by the operating company is appropriate.

    Coin parking is often opened in highly competitive areas, so small differences in occupancy affect occupancy. Regular checks are essential, as usage fees in the surrounding area are likely to be adjusted too often.

    Expect profits to be low

    For example, even if you start coin parking management in a space for 10 cars, it is unlikely that there will be users in all the spaces 24 hours a day. It is recommended to estimate the profit forecast at 80% or less of the full car.

    The actual yield is said to be about 4%, the initial cost for 10 cars is 3.5 million yen, and the annual net profit is 140,000 yen. No matter how easy it is to divert, if it is a lump-sum loan contract that requires removal costs, or if it is a coin parking management that started from the purchase of land, start the management after simulating with realistic numbers. You should do it.

    Don't leave it to the operating company

    If you choose the lump-sum borrowing method, you can leave it to the professionals, which has the advantage of being safe, but if you leave it to yourself or throw it in a circle, you may get unexpected results.

    Visit the site regularly to check if the cleaning is done properly, if the pavement, white lines, equipment are deteriorated or damaged, and if there are changes in the surrounding parking lot situation, and let us know your opinions and hopes.

    This article also introduces the methods and precautions for successful parking lot management. 4 tips for successful coin parking management! Introducing recommended operating companies Are you worried about things like "I'm interested in coin parking management but I'm worried because I don't have the knowledge" and "Is it true that coin parking management is not profitable?" Coin parking management is said to be a land utilization with great merit. For example, rental such as condominiums and apartments


    In this article, we have compared and explained the management methods and operating companies of coin parking. There are two management methods for coin parking: a self-employed method in which the owner prepares and manages the parking lot, and a lump-sum borrowing method in which the management company entrusts it to the management company. Even if you choose the self-employed method, entrust the emergency response to the operating company and try to secure time for your body and mind to rest as much as possible.

    Please refer to this article to get an idea of ​​the owner's overall work, and choose the management method and management company that suits your needs.

    For land utilization, we recommend "Yeool Land Utilization" operated by a listed company!

    Yeoul Land Utilization is a service that allows you to collectively request a land utilization plan operated by listed company Speee, Inc. Its strength is the support unique to a major company, and it is recommended for the first land utilization. In addition, the companies that can be registered in Yeoul are carefully selected only for excellent companies, and the unscrupulous companies with many complaints from users are excluded, so you can use it with confidence. In addition, since you don't receive persistent business calls, it's easy to use because you can only interact with the companies you care about. ■ Reasons why Yeool land utilization is recommended

    \ Free diagnosis with a service used by 100,000 people a year / See plans in Yeoul

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