Collaboration with KJK, a media that supports EC / mail order and online shops, and Linough to promote "safe placement" of auto-lock release

2022.02.22 Mail order support

Amazon Logistics Redelivery Problem Placement EC (E-Commerce)

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Kanagawa Prefectural Housing Supply Corporation (KJK), which owns about 13,200 rental housing in Kanagawa Prefecture, and Linough Co., Ltd., which aims for digital renovation of real estate with AI and IoT, will place it safely in an auto-lock condominium on the 21st. It was clarified that we will work together for the purpose of promoting distribution.

Introduced a placement system provided by Linough to rental housing managed by Kosha

For the purpose of reducing CO2 emissions in the redelivery problem and improving the convenience of residents, we will introduce a delivery system provided by Linough to rental housing managed by Kosha. From February, "Flor Kajigaya (106 units)" (Takatsu Ward, Kawasaki City), "Flor Yamadacho No. 3 (107 units)" (Naka Ward, Yokohama City), "Flor Motosumiyoshi (153 units)" (Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki City) ) Introduced to 3 other properties and gradually expanded. Kosha and Linough have positioned the UN's "SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)" as important management issues, and each has already developed its own measures. This time, the two companies' views agreed, and the first "place-and-delivery cooperation" was realized. Linough will introduce "Key for Business" provided by Amazon and its own product "Ninja Entrance" at the entrance of the house. "Key for Business" is a mechanism that allows the driver who is outsourced by Amazon to unlock the auto lock only when he / she has the baggage to be delivered.

"Ninja Entrance" can be delivered by other courier companies

"Ninja Entrance" is a mechanism that enables delivery by other delivery companies, and realizes safe delivery by a secure entrance method that only the delivery driver can temporarily unlock the auto-lock entrance. Residents will be able to safely receive their luggage in front of their home entrance by selecting "Put delivery" in advance. E-commerce is no longer just buying special products, but replacing part of everyday shopping. In addition to this social background, the need for “delivery”, which allows parcels to be received in a non-contact and non-face-to-face manner, is increasing due to the diversification of corona and lifestyles. Kosha and Linough have once again announced that they will improve the convenience of residents' lives by promoting the response to delivery, eliminate redelivery, and strengthen the promotion of efforts to contribute to the SDGs by reducing CO2 emissions. ..

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EC・通販、ネットショップを支援するメディア KJKとライナフ、オートロック解除の「安全な置き配」推進に向け連携

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