China Hikvision, a major surveillance camera company, increased sales by 10% in the previous fiscal year

[Beijing = Shunsuke Tabeda] Hikvision, the world's largest surveillance camera company, announced on the 26th that sales for the fiscal year ended December 2020 increased by 10% from the previous fiscal year. It was 63.4 billion yuan (about 1 trillion yen) and net sales increased by 8% to 13.4 billion yuan. Due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection, it seems that sales of the system that measures the body temperature of visitors at the entrances of commercial facilities were strong.

Regarding the increase in sales and profits, Hikvision said, "Responding to the uncertainty of the business environment and advancing technological innovation according to the needs of customers led to stable business growth." Compared to the results for FY12 / 19, the growth rate has dropped.

The US government has banned government procurement from Hikvision under the National Defense Authorization Act. However, the company's US business is not large from the beginning, and the overseas ratio is only about 30%. Increased demand for surveillance cameras and body temperature measurement systems in China seems to have boosted overall business performance.


Hikvision is one of the major state-owned "central enterprises" directly managed by the Chinese government, a major IT (information technology) company, and a group company of China Electronics Technology Group (China Electronics Technology Group). It was revealed on the night of the 24th that China Electronics Technology Group is considering a business merger in the form of absorbing the state-owned industry giant China Electronics Technology Group (China Electronics Technology Group).

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