Phishing Confirmation Impersonating Yodobashi Camera, Beware

On September 9, the Council of Anti-Phishing Japan announced, "Council of Anti-Phishing Japan|News|Emergency Information|Phishing by Yodobashi Camera (2021/09) /09)”, reports of phishing disguised as Yodobashi Camera are increasing. The emails have been reported to use the following subject lines (other subject lines may be used):

Phishing confirmation of Yodobashi camera, caution

Fake sites that have been confirmed include the following URLs (URLs other than those below may also be used).

Details reported include:

Websites used for phishing scams are often created by copying the contents of official websites, and it is extremely difficult to distinguish at a glance, so be careful. When using a service that you normally use, it is recommended that you access it from the official smartphone app or bookmarks registered in your web browser, rather than following the link included in an email or SMS.
