Carmate advocates the new concept ARF (Around Rear Front) presentation

"We have developed a new product that responded to user needs," he said.

 On November 26, Carmate held a new product reporter presentation of the new product "D'med 360D (DC4000R)" of the 360 ° drive recorder "D'Action 360" series.The president, President and CEO, Masaru Tokuda, his IT Development Group's General Manager Yoshiyuki Nakamura, and Ryota Kurabayashi, IT Development Group Producer.

 Before the announcement of the new product, President Tokuda looked back on the history of its development.At the Tokyo Motor Show in 2013, Carmates first exhibited the "wireless camera", which is a wireless camera, shooting the front with a smartphone camera, and sending the video to the smartphone.Although it was scheduled to be released in 2015, it was abandoned because it rarely caused wireless events to be interrupted.

 After that, he was particular about simultaneous shooting before and after, and invented the use of a 360 ° camera.Then, in February 2017, the first carmate drive recorder, the first drive recorder, was completed.At that time, there was only one front camera in the market, and the same one camera was a new concept of shooting the whole area from the ceiling to shoot the whole area.

カーメイト、新型ドラレコ「ダクション360D」発表会 新コンセプトARF(アラウンド・リア・フロント)を提唱

 In addition, not only "in the unlikely event" but also a function that can be used as an action camera when you get off the car, it is named "DRIVE (drive) + Action" = "daction".In addition, a function that other companies do not have from that time was also equipped with a function to be viewed on a smartphone by skipping the video with Wi-Fi.However, there was also a problem that the dynamic 360 was difficult to read the front -dedicated camera for the front camera.


 Then, in October 2018, the second installment of the "Dynasty 360S (DC5000)" was released.By using two 360 ° fisheye lenses that can be photographed throughout the whole area, it is possible to shoot a full spherical shape.In addition, the camera for the front has raised the resolution so that the license plate of the vehicle ahead has been read, overcoming the weakness of the dachet 360.However, "driving" has become frequent in the world, and this time it has become necessary to read the license plate of the rear vehicle.It was difficult to shoot the license plate of the rear vehicle because this dashing 360S was attached to the room mirror.


 Therefore, we developed the third installment of "Dotion 360D (DC4000R)".By providing a camera on the front and rear, the license plate of the front and rear vehicles is firmly photographed.The interior of the car is equipped with a 360 ° fisheye camera + infrared LED so that it can be filmed clearly even at night.In addition, 2.Equipped with a 7 -inch large liquid crystal, the operability has been greatly improved."While incorporating the demands of users received in the two products so far, President Tokuda reduced the rise in prices by eliminating the function of the action function and the smartphone linkage by Wi-Fi," said Tokuda.


 President Tokuda continued, "I am proud that DC5000 is the highest performance for 360 ° Camera's drageco, but it has a CPU performance and dual -layer function, so it is difficult to add a rear camera there.This time, we have developed a new DC4000R. "He said, "This time it took three years to announce the new product, but the next work will be announced next year."In addition, he said, "I will consider the market trends and consider the omitted action function this time."

 Subsequently, Mr. Nakamura, a General Manager of IT Development Group General Manager, introduced that the number of serious accidents caused by the driving driving has expanded as much as the new car sales volume.In addition, since car dealers and insurance companies are increasing sales, the market will change if not only some drivers but also all drivers will change, and it is expected that the unit price will increase and replace it in the future.。

ドライブレコーダーの市場や新たなコンセプトARFについて説明した株式会社カーメイト IT開発グループ ゼネラルマネージャー 中村良幸氏

 Also, regarding the target, it reveals that it is set for users who buy a drive recorder for the first time, such as "I think it is necessary, but I do not know which one to buy", providing easy -to -understand and sense of security to entry users.It is said that it was a product in it.In addition, he revealed that the new drive recorder was targeted by the replacement timing of cars, who are not satisfied with the drive recorder they are currently using.

 At the same time, "ARF (A = Around (360 °), R = Rear (back), F = Front (forward)" "is the concept of new products, and carmates are newly released.Explains that it is a genre that develops.
