Career change from 40s, how to open the door [Summary]

Many people in their 40s and 50s have a feeling of blockage in their careers. Can you feel rewarded by staying at the company as it is? Can you take on new challenges from now on? What do you really want to do in the first place? Here are some people who have taken a step forward from such a hesitation and how to open the door.

Say goodbye to "I am an employee of a large company"

Many people in their 40s and 50s have thought that it would be safe to enter a large company as a new graduate. Even if I was told to build my own career ... You may hear such complaints, but there are people who have taken the next stage without waiting for retirement . "I have reached the retirement age and can no longer do what I want to do." "I want to do only what I really like for the rest of my life." "Can I grow up in the company as it is?" We asked him about the background and anxiety of that decision, and the words to give to the next person.

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