Brands that moved the day before part1 SHIFT, AirTrip, Konami HD, etc.

Present value
SHIFT 21,480 +250
JTEKT 826 -28
Sony G 11,150 +40
Cyber ​​A 1,395 +36
Net pro 535 -18

Stock name 21st closing price ⇒ Compared to the previous day SHIFT <3697> 21490 +750 SBI Securities upgraded its investment decision to "buy". JTEKT <6473> 961 -46 I'm sick of Toyota Motor's production cuts. Sony Group <6758> 12955 -180 Microsoft's game business manager has indicated that it intends to continue providing its games to Sony even after the acquisition of Activision. CyberAgent <4751> 1774 -41 SMBC Nikko Securities lowered its target price. Net Protections HD <7383> 1336 +86 The latest IPO stocks have been relatively strong. Ishikawa Seisakusho <6208> 1422 +71 Awareness of rising geopolitical risks such as the situation in Ukraine. Open Door <3926> 1748 +93 The decrease in the number of corona-infected persons in Western countries is seen as a positive factor. Riso Education <4714> 390 +25 After raising the dividend forecast, it has been going well. Renova <9519> 1673 +86 In response to the special article, the movement of review has become dominant. AirTrip <6191> 2791 +157 On the 7th, the progress of each business project was announced. Konami HD <9766> 5970 +320 JP Morgan Securities has upgraded its investment decision and observed it. Sumitomo Metal Mining <5713> 5214 +162 Using the rise in prices of non-ferrous metals such as nickel as a clue. Toho Zinc <5707> 2481 +80 In the development of non-iron related corners, funds are heading. Yamazaki Baking <2212> 1532 +48 With the expectation of bottom formation with the low price in December last year, the bargain buying advantage. Mixi <2121> 2203 +56 Also reflects the steady movement of game-related stocks at the moment. Taiko Pharmaceutical <4574> 592-100 Consumer Affairs Agency orders Kleberin to take measures. Mikuni <7247> 424 -36 A strong feeling of reaching the ceiling. Lhotse <6323> 10560 -980 Seeing the trend of semiconductor-related stock prices as a selling material. Tokyo Electron <8035> 57510 -3800 The US SOX index fell sharply and went down. SCREEN Holdings <7735> 11330 -640 The tightness of each semiconductor manufacturing equipment company stands out. Japan Electronic Materials <6855> 2344 -128 Sales spread as small and medium-sized semiconductor-related stocks. Nihon Dempa Kogyo <6779> 1351 -65 High-tech stocks are cheap, and even electronic parts stocks are conspicuous. Double Scope <6619> 876 -58 Strongly affected by the deterioration of the mindset of individual investors. CMK Corporation <6958> 563 -31 Technology To be pushed by the trend of stock prices. INPEX <1605> 1051 -67 Daiwa Securities downgraded from "1" to "3". 《FA》

前日に動いた銘柄 part1 SHIFT、エアトリ、コナミHDなど

