Bentley Finds Missing Reindeer With ADAS Technology, Mission Completed For VIP Customer

After receiving an urgent message from a VIP customer in the Arctic, Bentley deployed a Bentayga with a suite of driver assistance systems to track down a special reindeer that has gone missing.

This client is familiar with Bentley and contacted us a year ago in the form of a Flying Spur V8 Reindeer Eight customized Bentayga looking for a more luxurious alternative to the old sled. received. This year, the customer was in trouble because he lost a key member of his team. Its members, with their shiny red noses, are tasked with planning and navigating a global epic of extraordinary scale (approximately 41 million miles/65 million km in just one night). .

Fortunately, Bentley's customers anticipate this situation and around two-thirds of Bentayga orders are equipped with a sophisticated technology called ADAS (Advanced Deer Alert System). A key feature of ADAS is night vision, which will be an important tool in locating sniffy animals in time for Christmas.

Night vision consists of three main components: the FIR imager (Festive Isolating Reindeer, aka Forward Infra-Red), the electronic control unit, and the driver's instrument panel. ing.

The FIR imager is a thermal imager that uses a fixed-focus optical system to capture infrared energy up to 140m in front of the vehicle, ensuring a horizontal field of view of 24°. Installed in the Bentayga's front grille, the imager has a dedicated cleaning port to remove dirt, dust, ice and reindeer droppings from the road surface.

Bentley missing in ADAS technology Find Reindeer, VIP Customer Mission Complete

The ECU (Electronic Control Unit) is the interface between the FIR imager and the vehicle. The ECU controls the operation of the FIR imager and is equipped with functions such as digital image processing, animal detection, and a pedestrian warning system. Small animals about 1m can be detected from 7m in front of the vehicle, and large animals over 2m can be detected up to 140m ahead. The thermal resolution of this system allows it to detect tire tread patterns and even red-nosed radiant heat. The processed images are output as video to a display system.

The image from the night vision system is displayed as a black and white image in the driver information panel, with detected objects marked with colored brackets and highlights according to their proximity.

The night vision system is available when the headlamps are turned on manually or automatically. The system assists the driver by providing vision beyond the headlamps, providing another layer of feedback to the driver beyond the visual range, but does not control the vehicle. The night vision feature offers real safety, such as collision avoidance when visibility is poor or when animals are active, such as in the countryside.

Also, if the vehicle senses that it is getting too close to a reindeer or other animal, the brake master cylinder is prefilled to allow the driver to stop quickly. This feature shortens the total stopping distance, which is useful, for example, when finding a lost reindeer and feeding it a carrot.

Complementing the ADAS and assisting in the search are 110 LED matrix headlamps. A specially tuned front-facing camera is used to detect the surrounding environment and oncoming traffic, and all LED lamps can individually adjust the main beam of each lamp. The 27 LEDs in each lamp can be switched on and off to optimize the beam pattern, ensuring that the main beam is always on, so it can never be mistaken for the North Star.

To save Christmas, the race is already on to find the reindeer with the shiny snout, calling on customers around the world to take action through Antlersite. Both left-hand drive and right-hand drive cars around the world are in a state of searching with both hands. The lucky winner will surely win only by a nose.

Huh? Is this a joke? Hey, you read the whole thing! ... and get angry. Read the message below and relax, relax. There is also a video, so please take a look.

"Bentley's communications team wishes all members of the media a Merry Christmas, a happy holiday season and a relaxing rest. I hope the standard of our jokes is improving."
