Benefits of obligating ransomware damage reporting

Behind the lack of internal reports is a glimpse of corporate consciousness, such as wanting to protect the reputation of corporate brands and avoiding regulations by judicial agencies.However, this situation not only delays ransomware measures, but also hinders the frequency, strength, and sophistication of cyber attacks, in real time and comprehensive ransomware.

If ransomware damage is required, interest in ransomware will increase and companies will fully understand that it is a wide range of problems that affect anyone.The sense of crisis to ransomware increases, and the damage report is as inevitable as the financial report.

The most important thing is that the mandatory damage reports will cause dialogue to take the best action.The lack of reports hinders the ability to come up with the way to protect yourself from ransomware and to be ready to predict what will come next.

After all, if you don't have the right information, you can't prevent anything.Organizations need to prioritize transparency over reputation.The final solution to ransomware is realized by a group effort to share knowledge and introduce a sense of protection as soon as possible.

Ransomware should not be a mere fatal threat to a company, but a custody.Recognition leads to action.


A more powerful front line that confront ransomware

The obligatory scheme of ransomware damage is not only useful for sharing information about ransomware attacks, such as what happened, what was destroyed, threatened, and what changed.It is also effective for the committee to maximize the ability.

As an example, last year, the Cyber Security Strategy Industry Advisory Committee was established last year to support the introduction of the National Cyber Security Strategy.

In Southeast Asia, the Cyber Security Agency Agency Panel of the Singapore Financial Management Agency (MAS) advises a strategy to maintain the trust of cyber resilience (resilience from attacks) and the national financial system.Most recently, the National Intelligence Agency, the highest intelligence institution established in Korea in 1961, has announced that companies and public institutions have been damaged by their neighbors.

According to Vanover's system management and IT management experience, data and insights have been provided to these advisory organizations, and security, vulnerabilities, and active cyber crimes are important.You can add information to strengthen measures.

For example, it can be used for general alerts that warn the ransomware attack.In addition, we will be able to collect information on the payment of digital wallets, information on infrastructure used by criminal groups to target companies, and various ways to enter the network.。

If you get valuable threat information and practical insights for ransomware, the forefront of ransomware will be even more powerful.An organization that hides the actual situation of ransomware will hinder the establishment of a cooperation system at the country and regional level, ensuring business safety, and succeeding in ransomware measures throughout the country.

Damage reports will be more effective in order to ensure cyber criminals to reduce ransomware attacks.It is time for each government to consider the urgency.

Furudate Masayoshi

ふるだて まさきよ

Veem Software Co., Ltd. President of Executive Officer

日本アイ・ビー・エム株式会社 事業部長、日本マイクロソフト株式会社 業務執行役員、レッドハット株式会社 常務執行役員、F5ネットワークスジャパン株式会社 代表取締役社長を経て、2017年12月、Veeam Software日本法人であるヴィーム・ソフトウェア株式会社の執行役員社長に就任。大企業の幹部から中小規模企業の社長まで幅広くキャリアを積む。ハードウェア、ソフトウェア、クラウドの領域で企業システムにおけるITインフラ提案・構築に長年携わっている。この著者の記事一覧はこちら