Basic knowledge of factory safety measures

The occurrence of occupational accidents is declining in the long term.However, the ultimate goal of factory safety is to return home without injury every day.The administrator has a responsibility to return all his subordinates safely, and everyone must aim to achieve zero occupational accidents and no casualties.In this series, we will take up a high -frequency of occupational accidents in factories and explain how to deal with them.The first one will check the cause of the factory based on the analysis of statistical data.


1st: Causes of factory accidents

1.Occupational accidents from statistics

First, let's read the actual situation of the casualties from the statistics of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.It can be seen that the number of casualties for 4 days or more has been changed to about 120,000 people, almost flat since around 2003 (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Changes in occupational accident occurrence status (quoted: Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Labor Standards Safety and Health Department, 2016 Occupational Disaster Accident Status, P.3.Change the Japanese calendar to the Christian era)

Next, let's take a look at the circular graph (Fig. 2), which shows the occurrence of a casualty disaster that has been closed for more than 4 days.From those with a large number of cases, 27,152 people were "falling" due to stumbling, "crashing / falling" from high altitudes, and 15,081 people were "reaction of movement and unreasonable movement" such as back pain.In this 2016 graph, the "sandwiched / involved" by the fourth machine in the number of cases was the third in 2015 in the previous year.From these data, the overall number of accidents, which is the top number of cases, accounts for a considerable proportion, and is particularly notable.



It is not only the elderly who are injured by falling.The cause of the falling accident is that the passage is slippery with water and oil, there are unnecessary steps and obstacles, some people are going to work even though they are sick, but in the factory.There are, etc.Some chemical factories are banned from running except in emergencies.Running increases the probability of falling and the risk of injury when falling.Remember the rules of not running in the school corridor.


Most of the crashes occurred because of the no appropriate crash prevention in high altitudes.A crash accident rarely occurs in a solid safety management factory.However, at the construction site, etc.

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2.What are the accidents to be analyzed individually?

Accidents that occurred in factories, such as fallen accidents and fall accidents, should be analyzed and take measures not to recur.However, factory accidents have occurred from large accidents related to life and death to small accidents called near miss, and are not in analysis.What you need to analyze can be determined by whether or not the accident brings serious results.

For example, a major accident, such as a toxic substance release accident that occurred in Bopal, India in 1984 and caused many casualties in urban areas, should be analyzed and verified.In a familiar example, ...

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3.Safety measures and human resource education

If you operate safely with facilities designed in consideration of safety, you should not have an accident.First of all, it is important to incorporate sufficient safety measures at the stage of the factory and line design, and create as secure facilities as possible.Many chemical factories have identified the danger source when designing, taking measures to prevent them from leading to accidents.

Also, no matter how safe the equipment is made, there is no point in working methods and processes lurking in danger.With safety education, it is essential to share knowledge about safety with everyone working in a factory.There is no such thing in safety education if you do this.However, there are points that should always be held down.The educational side is ...

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4.Checklist customization

The effectiveness of the checklist is well known as a measure to prevent accidents.However, it seems that some things are difficult to use because it does not fit the situation in the workplace.Figure 3 is an example of a checklist to prevent fall prevention.Use this to create a checklist suitable for your workplace with your colleagues.After a few times, you will get a good idea and make it a more effective checklist.You may find some improvements in your workplace.


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2nd: Repeative load disorder and ergonomics

Last time, the analysis of statistical data confirmed accidents and measures that occur frequently at factories.This time, we will explain diseases such as tendonitis, herniated discs, and thoracic exit syndrome caused by the physical load repeated on a part of the body from the viewpoint of ergonomics.

1.What is Ergonomics?

Ergonomics (Ergonomics, Ergonomics) is a study that designs, design, and research from engineering approaches so that every hardware and software can be used with more comfortable and less fatigue for humans.The Ergonomics born in the UK is a concept that is in line with the universal design (UNIVERSAL DESIGN), which aims for a human factor (Human Factors) born in the United States, which is strictly different from the starting point and content.


In the field of safety measures in labor sites, ergonomics is used to create an environment where humans can work efficiently with natural natural movements (Fig. 1).This leads to reducing accidents and mistakes.The idea is that humans do not match their work, but to work with humans (body).Currently, facilities and machinery with a mammache interface that utilize ergonomics are designed, reducing the burden on the body and increasing safety and work efficiency.In particular, it is hoped that the work that continues to be loaded on the body, and the work of forcing the body to be unreasonable will improve, which will help prevent repeated load disorders.A man -machine interface is an input device such as a keyboard and touch panel that transmits between humans and machines.In a broad sense, it may refer to the program and mechanism.It is sometimes called a human interface.


Around 2000, the United States has argued over business operators over the ergonomics regulation proposal to provide workers with information on repeated burden disorders and to improve the risk of problems.As a result, regulations were rejected, but the concept of ergonomics has spread widely in the industry from the viewpoint of preventing repeated impairments, and many companies have been working on voluntary improvement.In some cases, diseases caused by the work caused by the repetition of the burden work, not sudden factors and illnesses caused by the business, are called "ergonomic diseases" or "ergonomic -related diseases".According to statistics taken in the United States in 2010, 25%of the holidays at construction sites were related to ergonomics.



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2.Main diseases of repeated load disorder

Repeative load disorders caused by a long -time repetitive work on a repetition of the body are diverse.This time, we will introduce typical illnesses with many cases and introduce measures.

The symptoms that many people are suffering are back pain.Disc herniation is a typical case.There are various diseases in the hands that are often damaged by work, such as tendon sheath flame, carpal tube syndrome, and exit syndrome.In addition, hearing loss due to loud sound is a disease that can be taken with ergonomics.


The thoracic exit syndrome is a disease that causes numbness and severe pain on the arms and chests by continuing to be unreasonable, such as raising your arms for a long time.The nerves and blood vessels that connect from the torso (neck) to the arms pass through the gaps between bones and muscles.Among them, for a long time tightening and compression in three places between the frontal and middle -angle muscles, the gap between the collarbone and the first ribs, and the scapula scapula stop part of the small pectoral muscle.If is, it may occur (Fig. 2).In addition to numbness and pain, some people seem to cause stiff shoulders, poor blood circulation, and even worse tinnitus and wobble.Although it is said to be more common in women, it is often seen by men who train their chest muscles.Recently, it has become a hot topic in the news that women who worked in the amusement park were recognized for work -related accidents.



The work of raising the arm for a long time includes replacement of the ceiling and installing lighting equipment.Take an appropriate break and consider using equipment that can work without raising your arms.In particular, women with shoulders tend to have thoracic exit syndrome, so administrators should take sufficient consideration for their work methods and time.


Capture syndrome (Fig. 3) is caused by the overuse of the hand.The carpal tube is located near the wrist, and is a tube where the nerve and 伳 that passes from the arm to the fingertips.Here, when the middle nerves are compressed, the symptoms of numbness and severe pain appear.Characteristics of the symptoms include pain from midnight to dawn, that the index finger, middle finger and thumb are likely to appear, and when worsening, it is impossible to sign a ring with the thumb and index finger.In addition, it is a disease that may occur in women during pregnancy, childbirth and menopause, even if there is no overuse of hands.

図3:手根管症候群(引用:日本手外科学会、代表的な手外科疾患 1.手根管症候群、2017年、P.3)

At the workplace, it occurs when you use a small tool that is not suitable for work for a long time and put a burden on your hands.Choose tools according to the size of the worker's hand, not only for work.Also, if the work is long, it is important to reduce the burden on your hands, such as using an electric tool.



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3.To prevent repeated load disorders


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3rd: Safety measures for hand and fingertips

Last time, I explained the diseases related to ergonomics, such as tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome.This time, I will explain how to prevent injuries between hands and fingertips that are frequently occurring.According to statistics by the United States Labor Statistics Bureau, more than 100,000 workers are injured in the United States every year.Hands are the most likely part of the factory work.Learn the correct safety measures and prevent injury to your hands and fingertips.

1.Precautions regarding the safety use of gloves

According to the statistics of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 70%of the people who were injured had not worn gloves.The remaining 30%gloves wore inappropriate gloves, such as gloves that were not suitable for work and damaged gloves (Fig. 1).In order to protect your hands, you need to acquire the right gloves.



It doesn't mean you just need to wear gloves.The case of injury when wearing gloves that are not suitable for work will not stop.In particular, when dealing with dangerous chemicals such as solvent, acid, and alkaline, it is necessary to use special gloves that match the properties of drugs.

The type of glove must be responsible for each time.A worker who had a drug wounded his hand said, "I had used gloves beside the drug container.However, in fact, it was a gloved glove that was not suitable for the drug.Due to the misunderstanding and deficiency of confirmation, the person who worked in this gloves had a drug injury.

There is a suitable gloved gloved gloves for cutlings and glass fragments that are at risk of cutting (cut and cut).However, although it has the effect of preventing cuts, it is important to note that piercing has a weak protective effect.In addition, gloves for manufacturing work are diverse, such as those that protect their hands from high temperatures and low temperatures, those that protect their hands from vibration, and prevent electric shock (Fig. 2).A true professional is a person who can always work safely by using gloves suitable for work.




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2.Pinch point in advance

A part of the body, especially a place where the finger is sandwiched between something, is called a pinch point (Figure 3).Be careful not to make a pinch point when designing machine and equipment.If you have a pinch point, attach a cover so that you can not put your finger.This countermeasure is also required by the Product Liability Law (PL method) enforced in 1994.



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3.What is a bullet path?

Don't put yourself in the English safety slogan (KEEP YOURSELF OUT THE LINE OFFIRE).) There is a word.Rhine of Fire is a bullet path (Fig. 4).If you look at the direction where the gun is facing, you can predict the line that passes the bullet.If you are on that line, you may lose your life.When used as a safety slogan, it includes not only the risk of death but also the possibility of injury.


The space where the machine piston is exercising at a high speed is a line of fire at a glance.In addition, if you are hanging up heavy objects with a crane, the line of fire will also be a line of fire.The possibility of the wire is cut off and the hanging load is not zero.The electric wires that are energized are also a kind of line of fire.


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4th: Safety measures for construction at factories

Last time, we explained the safety measures of hands and fingertips, which are most likely to be injured by engineers.This time, I will explain the safety measures for construction in the factory.Construction safety measures are divided into three parts, preparing, working, and completing the construction.Let's prevent accidents during construction by holding down each point.

1.Safety measures in preparation for factory construction

First of all, we will explain safety measures at the preparation stage when construction in the factory.There are four items: precautions when requesting construction, cooperation between client and contractor, formulation of construction plan, selection and installation plan.


When requesting a construction, it is a common practice to take an estimate from multiple vendors and choose a cheap contractor under the same conditions.At this time, have you checked in the quotation specification clearly that you wrote the safety precautions and requirements clearly?

Make sure you know each other what you need to be careful about in the construction at the factory.For example, it is a danger source, such as a flammable tank nearby and a high -voltage electric wire.At this stage, the client's provision and the contract side did not clarify what the contractor prepared, so on the day of the construction, there are many problems that there are no safety tools at the site.If the statement such as safety curing is written in the quotation specification, you can check how much the contractor can specifically assume safety measures (Fig. 1).Even if the estimated amount is a little high, it is better to choose a contractor who considers safety measures.



When doing construction at a factory, the workers are divided into two positions.The client of the construction and the contractor.In both cases, interests may be confronted in terms of money.However, safety interests match.The client does not want an accident at his factory.The contractor does not want the worker to be injured.They are in a position to fully cooperate with safety.


The formulation of a prior construction plan is very important.In particular, if an accident involving heavy equipment occurs, a major accident may occur.For example, an accident in Walnut Creek, California, USA in 2004, the tip of the excavation heavy equipment destroyed the underground gasoline pipeline.An explosion occurred by igniting the leaked gasoline, and the lives of five workers were lost.

In heavy equipment work with such a great danger, it is important to specifically determine the work flow from heavy equipment to work and extract.If you use a driller, you can avoid danger if you know what is buried underground.However, there are few factories that accurately leave all buried items on the premises on the drawings.It is safer to think that something is buried somewhere, except when building a factory from scratch in a natural isolated area.If piping or electric wires are buried, stop using as much as possible during construction.



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2.Safety measures during factory construction work

After the preparation stage, we will finally start the construction.Here are two items: the points to be held down before the construction and the changes during construction.


In the case of a certain large construction, people in each professional industry will work under the supervision of the construction contractor.In such a case, some workers come to the site for the first time on the day.Before working, you must surely tell them about the safety precautions on site.You need to explain the rules of protective equipment that need to be worn on site, how to deal with emergency, smoking rules, etc.The most important message is that returning home is the most important job of workers without injury.Decide in advance who will do these explanations in advance.Workers should start working with the feeling that it is the most important thing to do not get rid of them.

Experienced workers may not want to be used to the familiar work if someone gets a safe care.However, take it with a broad heart that you have thought about yourself, and try to tighten yourself.

Both the request for the construction and the worker should know what the problem is for the safety before starting the construction, and work on the work with that countermeasure.



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3.Safety measures after the factory construction is completed

Even if all the work is completed, the construction is not completed.Even if you meet all the initial requests from the client, you may see safety problems after it is completed.


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5th: What is lockout tagout?

Last time, we explained the safety measures for construction at the factory.This time, we will take up measures to prevent accidents from being caught and involved with a large number of cases.Introducing lockout tagouts as a way to stop facilities while cleaning, maintenance, and inspection of equipment.

1.Measures to prevent accidents caught and involved

According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's occupational accidents (2016), the accidental accident was in the fourth place in the number of casualties disasters (14,136 people were killed or injured) (see the first).In 2015 (Fig. 1) in the previous year, the accidents were caught and involved in the third place (14,513 people).The accidental accident is an accident with a large number of occurrence in injury or injury.



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2.Confirmation of energy source

In order to prevent unexpected operation operation, it is necessary to cut off the energy source.The energy source of many equipment is electricity.Large equipment often has multiple power supply, so it is necessary to block everything.Also, if there is an energy source other than electricity, you must be especially careful not to confirm the blocking.


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3.Lockout tagout

If electricity is an energy source, turn off the energy by turning off the power.Even in ordinary households, when working on electrical equipment, such as replacing a light bulb, do not remove the outlet or turn off the switch.When working in a factory, that is not enough.Since multiple people may work, they may turn on the power without noticing that someone is working.The effective measure here is lockout tagout.This section describes the power and pressure energy lockout tagouts.


Lockout tagout is a method that prevents third -party interventions and ensures that the power supply is blocked.While the worker is working, locks the power supply with a padlock or the like so that strangers do not turn on the power, and the name and work content in the tag (paper like a luggage).Fill in the expected work time, etc., and attach it to a padlock (Fig. 2).In a large chemical factory, there is a motor control center (MCC) that supplies electricity to each equipment, and a power supply board has a breaker.Recent breakers have a structure that can directly apply padlocks.If not, use a retrofit equipment to hang a padlock and tag.The padlock key is kept by the worker himself.With this, no one can turn on the power while the worker is working.Also, if you look at the tag, you will know who locked it, so if you need to turn on the power, you can check the schedule or contact the worker directly.




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4.Confirmation of blocking

In lockout tagout, we blocked energy sources (power supplies) and pressure sources to prevent third parties.However, if you accidentally associate with another equipment power supply, there is no point.Be sure to check if the power of the target equipment is really turned off.In the case of large equipment, in addition to the power supply, the startup switch is prepared in another place, so you can check it by turning it on.If the locked power is wrong, the equipment will work.Make sure that no one is putting your body in the equipment and then turn it on.


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5.Glue prop


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