[Delicious intestinal activity with the taste of autumn] 3 simple intestinal activity recipes using "sweet potato" (morning, noon, night)

Three simple intestinal activity recipes using "sweet potato" (morning, noon, night)

さつまいもが美味しくなる季節、腸にも優しいレシピで朝・昼・夜といろんなシチュエーションで楽しんでみませんか?すぐにできる、食物繊維豊富な秋の味覚「さつまいも」のレシピをご紹介いたします。【写真で見る】Three simple intestinal activity recipes using "sweet potato" (morning, noon, night)

【秋の味覚で美味しく腸活】Three simple intestinal activity recipes using

Sweet potato and intestinal environment

What is important in the intestinal environment is the balance of intestinal flora.The intestinal flora is preferable to exist in the ratio of good bacteria: bad bacteria: day -to -day bacteria = 2: 1: 7, and the trick is to prevent the number of bad bacteria from increasing.Sweet potatoes are rich in dietary fiber and carbohydrates that feed good bacteria in the intestine.In addition, the liquid that comes out of the cross section when the sweet potato is cut is a component called "yarapin" contained in the skin.This yarapin has a constipation resolution, so it is recommended to eat it with the skin.Therefore, we will introduce three recipes that can be eaten with the skin that can be eaten for about three days.

Intestinal gentle sweet potato recipe [Breakfast] Sweet potato paste

・ ◯ Sweet potato 150g (heated) ・ ◯ Maple syrup 1 tablespoon 1 ・ ◯ ◯ water 50 ml 1.Put the ingredients in a pan and heat until the sweet potato shape collapses 2..Turn off the heat and cool until you return to room temperature 3.It is recommended to put the ingredients and soy milk in the food processor, mix it until it becomes a paste, and apply it to the finished toast.Whether you eat it or warm it in the oven, both are delicious.Also, combine this sweet potato paste and apple to make it a healthy snack.

[Lunch / lunch box] Sweet potato yogurt salad

・ Sweet potato 180g ・ raisin ・ Soy milk yogurt (before draining) 60g ・ Slightly salt ・ Neriga sesame 5g 1.Steamed the sweet potato with skin (or cook in a microwave) 2.Crush sweet potatoes (stop to the extent that the shape remains a little) 3.Add yogurt, raisins, salt, and bleeding sesame 4.Cool in the refrigerator and sleep overnight to mix the sweet potatoes in a warm manner, so that the sesame seeds melt and mix throughout.In addition to the fermented food, yogurt, it has become a product that can be used for both Probiotics (good bacteria) and prebiotics (good bacteria feed).
