Ask Jim Collins, will there be a great company from Japan in the future?

Conclusions that the power of Japanese companies has decreased compared to the United States, which created Gafam (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft), and China, which created BATH (Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent, Huawei).be.Will a great company be born from Japan in the future?

Jim Collins (hereinafter Collins): Most of my research targets are US companies, so I can't pretend to be Nippon -dori.Nevertheless, we believe that the great company in the 21st century will be born from Japan.


 The desire to create a really valuable visionary company and want to build it is universal, not limited to some countries, such as the United States.Interestingly, some of the greatest corporate leaders I have studied are Japanese.The desire to create a visionary company is strong in Japan, and the fact that my book has been read a lot in Japan is also a sign.With that in mind, there is no reason to think that a new great company will be born from Japan.

ジム・コリンズ『ビジョナリー・カンパニー 時代を超える生存の原則』(Built to Last、ジェリー・ポラスとの共著)をはじめとする世界で1000万部超のロングセラー『ビジョナリー・カンパニー』シリーズの著者。米コロラド州ボールダーの研究ラボを拠点に四半世紀以上にわたって偉大な企業を研究、経営者から絶大な支持を集める。2017年には米フォーブス誌の「現代の経営学者100人」にも選出された。著書に『ビジョナリー・カンパニー② 飛躍の法則』(Good to Great)、『ビジョナリー・カンパニー③ 衰退の五段階』(How the Mighty Fall)、『ビジョナリー・カンパニー④ 自分の意志で偉大になる』(Great by Choice、モートン・ハンセンとの共著)(写真:George Lange)

Looking back on my research so far, where is the Best of Visionary Company?

Collins: It's like saying, "You can choose your favorite from my child."Instead, I would like to give the most visible and unique ideas born in the industry.

 When the clock needle was rewinded 100 years ago, no one thought it was a process that could systematically reproduce things such as innovation and creativity.It appeared there, William Mac Knight, called the ancestor of Sriem (3m), the US Sleem (3m).He had a novel idea that organizations and cultures that continued to create innovation and creativity were built.It is a breakthrough in industrial history, comparable to the United States Constitution in the US history.It was 3m that proved that it was a feasible idea.There have been many visible companies so far, and it will continue to appear in the future.The only thing I can say is that today's Apple will reach 3m with Mac Knight.

Many of the next page visionary company are initially 2nd, 3rd, 4th
