"I have been doing various ways, such as strengthening the security of the station and implementing the circulation of inside the car, but this can happen again. It is troublesome to find specific measures."A major private railway leader says.[Related article] The first railway industry, Tokyo Meto ...
Photo: Motor-Fan Toyota Motor and Kinto are riding on January 28, reflecting the functions and items of software and hardware in a timely manner according to subsequent technological innovations and aging.The latest car ...
Category: Product Service Release Company: Gloture Co., Ltd.GLOTURE Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato -ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: CHEN JUNYI )'s own EC site "GLOT ...
The difference between a child seat and a junior seat The difference between a child seat and a junior seat is the physique and age of the child who is supposed to use it. As a premise, car seat belts are designed on the assumption that the user's height is about 140 cm or more.
Before the first request for going out in Tokyo, I had many opportunities to work outside for freelance.Therefore, she spends more money on the equipment that she uses rather than home use, and says, "Rather than entering a burglary, I usually carry it backpack ...
Kato Electric will launch the Hornet handlock "LH-15R" and "LH-17R" on November 26, which is effective for countermeasures for CAN Invaders.82.9 % of the total number of vehicles have occurred at home and contract parking lots (Japan Non -life Insurance Association ...
Is Indian tap water dangerous even on your face?In Asia, hand -washing is cheaper than car wash machines, but at the end of 2021, the wind was not so strong in the Kanto area, the weather continued, and in the daytime it was quite warm, so it was a great day.
Since its debut in 2007 as an all -round minivan, Mitsubishi "Delica D: 5" has boasted an overwhelming presence and strong popularity.There is a lot of distribution of used cars only for long -selling models, so it is quite difficult to choose one that suits you.now...
On July 13, Huawei Japan announced the smartwatch "Huawei Watch 3", the complete wireless earphone "Huawei Freebuds 4", and the smart audio glass "Smart Lang" and "Smart Kubo".The presentation and medation in conjunction with this ...
■ Investigation results 1. 2021 Time ranked prioritized in the first place "Housework / childcare / nursing care time" 47.1%2.2021 Time Top 5 / Priority Time: 3 years Comparison 3.2022Time 1st "Family Communication" 44.3%4. 2022 ...
There are three points to discuss the economic security policy promoted by China.The first is an industrial policy to strengthen the supplementary chains that have been painful in US sanctions.The second is the movement of laws and regulations that are rapidly evolving recently.stop...
I had an opportunity to tour about 650 km at the Mitsubishi Motors' light super high wagon "EK Cross Space", so I will deliver an impression.Mitsubishi's mini car lineup for FWD (front -wheel drive) Super Height Wagon ...
Category: Product Service Release Company: DOTD Under the strength of the key security technology cultivated by the DOTD car) And a stock association ...
Required tech to survive in Night City!Here are some useful knowledge of PS4, Xbox One, and PC software "Cyberpunk 2077" released on December 10, 2020.The purchase of the ad "Cyberpunk 2077" (PS4) is here ...
I want to keep in touch with it for safety, and I want to use digital equipment to wear IT literacy early.However, smartphones are multifunctional and are too tempted to hesitate to give them to their children. ancestor...