Arrest for traffic violations! "Electric kickboard" is the same as a moped. What are the rules to follow when driving on public roads?

■ Essential conditions for driving on public roads as asked by the industry group "JEMPA"

The "electric kickboard" is attracting attention as an easy means of transportation in the city and sightseeing spots.

Since it has an electric motor, you can easily run without kicking with your feet, and you can go on the sidewalk by pushing without turning off the power in heavy traffic. There are many fashionable style models, and you can buy products at reasonable prices through online shopping, etc., and the popularity is rising rapidly, especially among young people.

However, recently, the number of people who do not follow traffic rules and manners has increased, which has become a social problem. You can also see quite dangerous acts such as running backwards on the road, running on the sidewalk, and passing through the pedestrian's limit while speeding up.

Finally, in May, there was even a "hit-and-run incident" in which a man riding an electric kickboard in Osaka escaped and was arrested while seriously injuring a woman he bumped into.

Although it is a convenient vehicle if you follow the rules properly, you will not be able to run in the city as a "dangerous vehicle". Not only does it bother pedestrians, but when driving on the same road as the car, there is a risk of being hit by the car and causing a serious accident if you do not follow the rules and traffic rules properly.

Therefore, here I would like to introduce the points to be aware of when driving on public roads with an electric kickboard, as I asked JEMPA (Japan Electric Mobility Promotion Association), an industry group.

● License plates and headlamps are essential

JEMPA is a council that proposes the ideal way of electric mobility for the next generation by businesses that develop, sell and operate small electric mobility for passengers. Manufacturers of electric kickboards, etc. participate in the members.

First of all, what is the legal treatment when driving on public roads with an electric kickboard? According to JEMPA, it falls under the category of "motorized bicycle" under the Road Traffic Act and the Road Transport Vehicle Act. In other words, it is treated the same as a moped.

So, first of all, I asked what kind of vehicle body equipment is necessary when driving on public roads. Specifically, it seems that it is necessary to comply with the provisions stipulated in the "Safety Standards of the Road Transport Vehicle Law", but the main appearance judgments are as follows.

・ Mirror ・ Alarm ・ Head lamp ・ Tail lamp ・ Brake light ・ Front and rear brake (two or more braking devices) ・ Speed ​​meter ・ Turn signal ・ License plate mounting version ・ License plate lighting ・ Reflector (rear reflector)

Of these, it is OK if the mirror is attached to either the left or right side of the steering wheel, but if you are running on the left end of the road like a moped, it will be easier to check backwards if you attach it to the right side of the steering wheel. ..

According to JEMPA, there are other legal rules such as the loudness of the alarm and the loudness of the mirror. When actually driving on public roads, it is recommended that you consult with the shop where you purchased the model to see if the model you purchased is equipped with the equipment that complies with the regulations.

Since the electric kickboard is treated the same as a moped, it is essential to attach a license plate, and you must also take out liability insurance and carry your insurance card. You will also need to pay the light vehicle tax. If you own and have used a moped, it's common sense.

● It is obligatory to carry a license and wear a helmet

Next, I asked about the traffic rules that should be followed when driving on public roads.

As mentioned above, the electric kickboard is treated as a moped, so it is necessary to mainly observe the following.

・ Carry a license to drive a motorized bicycle (moped license, two-wheel license, ordinary license) ・ Driving on the road ・ Reverse driving and sideways driving are prohibited ・ Maximum speed 30km / h (30km / h or less speed limit Observe the speed limit on some roads) ・ Turn right in two steps at intersections with two or more lanes on each side ・ No two-seater ・ Obligation to wear a helmet ・ Turn off the power when pushing and walking ・ Even if the power is off, do not ride on the deck on the sidewalk should not

People often misunderstand that electric kickboards are OK with no hell, but a helmet is a must. In addition, it is a violation to ride two people, run on the sidewalk, or run in reverse.

Depending on the model, the maximum speed may be 30km / h or more, but on general roads with no speed limit, the electric kickboard will be a speed violation unless it runs at 30km / h or less. And, of course, you can't drive on the highway.

交通違反は逮捕も! 「電動キックボード」は原付バイクと同じ。公道走行する時の守るべきルールとは?

● What if you can run without a helmet?

By the way, even with an electric kickboard, you may be able to drive on public roads by wearing a helmet. This is the case when using a sharing service provided by a business operator licensed by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry under the "New Business Special System" based on the Industrial Competitiveness Enhancement Law.

This is being conducted in specific areas such as Tokyo, Osaka, and Fukuoka, and is a demonstration experiment to see if small electric mobility such as electric kickboards can be used as a new means of transportation in cities.

In the experiment, a service such as renting an electric kickboard like a bicycle sharing service and using it as a means of transportation in the city is being carried out, and it is scheduled to be carried out by October 2021.

The electric kickboard used in these demonstration experiments will be treated as a "small special car" under the Road Traffic Act by applying special measures, and while the maximum speed will be up to 15 km / h, the helmet Wearing is optional.

In other words, instead of speeding up, you can wear a helmet as you like.

Please note that this special measure applies only to the demonstration experiment. So, for example, in an area where a demonstration experiment is being conducted, if an individual or group brings in an electric kickboard that they purchased, that is, an electric kickboard other than a vehicle handled by a licensed business operator, the " It will be treated as a "motorized bicycle".

It is necessary to follow the equipment and traffic rules mentioned above, such as prohibiting two-seaters and driving on the road, as well as helmets, and if you violate it, you may be caught by the police, so just in case.

Until June 2021, there were four companies conducting demonstration experiments: EXx, mobby ride, Luup, and Hasegawa Kogyo, but from July 12, SWALLOW, which is a member of JEMPA, is also in the south of Fukushima Prefecture. We are planning to start a demonstration experiment in Soma City.

● You can take the license plate yourself

In this way, electric kickboards are basically subject to the same rules and traffic rules as mopeds. In addition, you can obtain the license plate and automobile liability insurance required for driving on public roads by yourself.

Below are the methods I heard from JEMPA.

[How to get the license plate]

1. Items required for application ・ Sales certificate ・ Seal ・ ID card ・ Photograph of safety parts (may be required by some local governments)

2. Application procedure At the municipal tax section of the municipality where you live (with a resident card), fill out and submit the light vehicle tax declaration (report) and signing application (motorized bicycle / small special vehicle).

[How to take out liability insurance]

1. Necessary items for application ・ License plate number (listed on the sign issuance certificate) ・ Chassis number (listed on the sign issuance certificate) ・ Sign issuance certificate (insurance that can be enrolled at Seven-Eleven, etc., unnecessary depending on the insurance company and contents In some cases)

2. You can complete the procedure from the post office (some stations do not handle it), and some insurance companies (unions) can also complete the procedure via the Internet or convenience stores.

How was it? It's a comfortable, convenient, and fun electric kickboard, so when you drive on public roads, be sure to follow the rules and manners and drive safely.

(Sentence: Naoki Hiratsuka)

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【Related Links】

JEMPA (Japan Electric Mobility Promotion Association) Official Homepage
