Overseas expertors in the Olympics are super impressive in Seven -Eleven, "Tamago Sand is the No. 1 life"

With the opening of the Tokyo Olympics and the enthusiastic battle is being held, the reporter of the Canadian public broadcast "CBC", which came to Japan, convey deep affection for Japanese convenience stores.An unusual column was developed, saying, "It's the finest meal in the Olympics."I am impressed.

CBC reporter is impressed with convenience store

 With the opening of the Tokyo Olympics and the enthusiastic battle is being held, the reporter of the Canadian public broadcast "CBC", which came to Japan, convey deep affection for Japanese convenience stores.An unusual column was developed, saying, "It's the finest meal in the Olympics."I am impressed.

 五輪取材の海外識者がセブンイレブンに超感銘 コラムで熱弁「たまごサンドは人生No.1」

 The CBC wrote an article with the headline of "The best meals in the Olympics are Seven -Eleven at any time."Introducing the splendor of Japan's "Seven -Eleven".I experienced the reporter Devin Harlow.He said he was worried about his diet before entering the country because he had two weeks of going out.

 Explained that he brought a large amount of protein bar.He had gained prior information that the accommodation had a Seven -Eleven, but there was no information about the Japanese convenience store situation."I imagined that the hot dock was quite waiting in front of the oven, and probably cheese nachos was OK."He was very underestimating the Japanese food level.

 However, it was a fascinating world that was actually waiting at the automatic door of a convenience store.

"The moment I arrived at an adventure to the entrance of the sacred Seven -Eleven in Tokyo, I didn't expect it so far. I immediately changed my mind."She praised her because she was a coffee lover, saying, "The ice coffee corner is unlikely to be in the world.

"The sandwich corner is higher than most food stores in Toronto. Egg salad sand may be the best in your life." "Pocky is dessert. Edamame chips are snacks. My favorite sports drink is Pocari Sweat. After the hotel training, after the hotel training.And your favorite drink during the day

 Harlow seems to be interviewing softball.On the 25th, Canada in his home country will play against Japan.

(The Answer editorial department)
