Amazon deploys "Key for Business" that can be placed and distributed even with auto lock in more than 800 condominiums in 10 prefectures

Amazon is a condominium with an auto lock, and the service "Key for Business" that allows delivery companies and delivery drivers entrusted by Amazon to unlock the auto lock and place it at the entrance even when they are absent. Business) ”has been expanded in Japan. It expanded rapidly to meet customer needs and became available in more than 800 condominiums in 10 prefectures.

Amazon's "Key for Business" is a mechanism that allows a delivery company or delivery driver entrusted by Amazon to unlock the condominium from the dedicated delivery application if the condominium owner or management company has approved it in advance. ..

Amazon、オートロックでも置き配できる「Key for Business」を10都道府県800棟超のマンションに展開

Amazon offers a delivery option for users when ordering, "Distribution designation service" as the initial setting of the delivery method in 30 prefectures (excluding some areas). Until now, in condominiums with an auto lock, if the purchaser was absent, the delivery driver could not enter the condominium and could not place it at the desired location such as the entrance. In addition, there were inconveniences such as "the delivery box is full and cannot be received" and "the product must be carried from the delivery box to the room". Amazon's "Key for Business" is one of the solutions to these problems, and buyers can receive products more conveniently.

"Key for Business," which was introduced in Japan in March 2021, initially cooperated with certified partners such as Daito Kensetsu Partners and Sohgo Security Services (ALSOK) in Tokyo, Kanagawa Prefecture, Osaka Prefecture, etc. Introduced to 200 condominiums in Aichi and Fukuoka prefectures. Since its introduction, it has been well received by users, and the service has been expanded to managed properties such as Apaman Property and Tokyu Real Estate Holdings Group, making it available in more than 800 condominiums in 10 prefectures. Along with this, the target areas became Hokkaido, Chiba, Saitama, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Aichi, Kyoto, Osaka, Hyogo, and Fukuoka prefectures.

In expanding the expansion area, Amazon Japan Amazon Logistics Director Avanish Naline Sing said, "We are striving to provide this convenient home delivery service to more customers, and this time, we are working to provide more customers in 10 prefectures in Japan. , Now available in more than 800 condominiums. Amazon's "Key for Business" has been well received by customers who are already using it, and we have expanded the area to meet the needs of our customers. It's a rapid expansion. We're excited to bring you this innovative service that saves you time and doesn't have to worry about your home situation as you seek more convenience in your daily life. I think this expansion of service coverage is a sign of Amazon's commitment to constantly innovate to improve the customer's online ordering experience. "

Mr. Shoya Mori of Tokyu Land Corporation's Tokyo Metropolitan Area Housing Business Headquarters said, "To improve the satisfaction of residents, Amazon's" Key for Business "is part of the rental housing brand" Comforia "series developed by the Group. Amazon's "Key for Business" is a safe and secure delivery service that enhances the convenience of residents and responds to non-contact delivery needs. Amazon's "Key for Business" By introducing "for Business", the frequency of redelivery will be reduced and CO2 emissions will be reduced, so we would like to continue to increase the number of properties introduced. "
