All 14 troubles that occur in parking lot management!Thorough explanation of effective countermeasures

Are you worried about things like "I'm starting to run a parking lot, but I'm worried that it's difficult to deal with problems" and "What should I do if I have trouble with the parking lot I run?"

Parking lot management can be started even for land with a relatively small area or for people with a small initial investment amount, and it is one of the land utilization methods that are attracting a lot of attention. However, if you do all the work from management to management without outsourcing to the management company, you have to solve the troubles that occurred in the parking lot by yourself.

In this article, we have summarized common problems and remedies for parking lot management. Knowing what kind of trouble you have has the advantage of being able to take countermeasures in advance and respond flexibly. Please use it as a manual for successful parking lot management.

If you are uncertain about how to utilize the land, it is recommended to consult "HOME4U Land Utilization"! Even beginners can start using the land with peace of mind by referring to professional advice.

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List of troubles and remedies that are likely to occur in parking lots

First, we have summarized the problems that are likely to occur in parking lot management by type. You can also check the main factors and remedies in the list, so please refer to them.

Types of troubleTrouble caseMain factorsEffective remedy
Trouble with chargesUnpaid charges
Complaints about price display
Mispayment trouble
Lost user parking ticket
Trouble with neighborsNoise problem in the parking lot
Trouble caused by lighting
Trouble with usersAccident in the parking lot
Accident with a pedestrian
Trouble when getting landTrouble with leased land
Trouble when purchasing land
Other troublesUnauthorized use
Illegal dumping of garbage
Equipment failure
Get involved in crime

From the next chapter, let's explain each trouble and how to deal with it concretely.

If you would like to know more about the basic knowledge of parking lot management, please click here.

Trouble example 1: Unpaid charges

The main income of parking lot management is the usage fee from the user. However, it is not uncommon for some users to be late or overdue, leading to trouble. If the fees are not paid correctly, it will have a big impact on management. Let's grasp the actual situation of trouble to avoid management failure.

Common cases

Unpaid fees are a particularly common problem in monthly parking lots. Monthly parking lots are often not well equipped and may be available without charge.

Specifically, many business owners are troubled by the following actions.

If you have a lot of unpaid fees or a long period of time, you will not be able to earn the expected income. In the worst case, management may not be able to stand.

Main factors

It is possible that the rate rules are not suitable as the cause of the non-payment. If it is difficult to understand the payment date and price setting, you may not be able to withdraw due to forgetting to pay or insufficient balance.

In addition, there are also malicious customers who contract with the intention of not paying. In some cases, we did not pay the fee for a reason, and we could not contact you after stopping the car.

In addition, unpaid coin parking problems such as breaking flaps and gates and not paying fees are often due to lack of management. Parking lots that are filthy and clearly not properly managed tend to do so.

Effective remedy

To ensure that payments are made correctly on time, we recommend simple pricing and a prepayment system. If you set up a system that makes it cheaper if you pay for several months in a lump sum, you can prevent unpaid charges and maintain user satisfaction.

If you want to avoid contracting with malicious customers, it is a good idea to set up a guarantor and sign a contract. It is also recommended to clarify the rules regarding delinquency and delinquency, such as "If payment cannot be confirmed in 0 days, the guarantor will be charged".

In case of troubles such as destroying the equipment and forcibly entering and leaving the warehouse, install a security camera etc. to strengthen the monitoring. It is also important to emphasize that management is being carried out properly, such as by patroling and cleaning regularly.

Trouble example 2: Complaint about charge display

In some cases, users often make inquiries and complaints because the price display is difficult to understand. This trouble is common in coin parking.

Common cases

If the price display is difficult to understand, complaints such as "The price is different from what you expected" or "I didn't use it if it was so expensive" may occur.

Frequent complaints and inquiries can hinder management. In addition, there is a possibility that a bad reputation may be transmitted by word of mouth, etc., saying that the price display is difficult to understand and has been lost. If your reputation goes down, it will affect your sales. When managing a parking lot, it is necessary to carefully consider how to display the charges.

Main factors

If you set the price by dividing it into small hours or change the price depending on the vehicle or parking place, it will be difficult for the user to know the price setting. Another cause is that the billboards have deteriorated and are difficult to see.

Effective remedy

Let's make the price display simple so that anyone can understand it. A simple sign that can be read from inside the car or even at night and has no small letters such as precautionary statements is preferable. It's also a good idea to use easy-to-understand words that you can understand while driving.

If you receive frequent inquiries about charges or have many complaints after payment, we recommend that you review the charge settings. Changing the price for each space or time zone, or setting the price every few minutes is a source of trouble. Users will be pleased if the charges are flat and separated by a little longer time.

It is also recommended to visit nearby coin parking lots and compare pricing.

Trouble example 3: Mispayment trouble

Next, I will introduce the mispayment troubles that are likely to occur in coin parking and how to deal with them.

Common cases

There are many mispayment troubles where you press the wrong number instead of the number where your car is parked.

After making the payment, you may find that you made a mistake and ask for a refund. I don't know when coin parking will be used 24 hours a day. Even in the middle of the night, you may have to go to the site with a call asking for a refund.

Main factors

The main cause of mispayment troubles is the carelessness of the user. Even if you take measures, it cannot be completely prevented, so it is one of the difficult troubles to deal with.

However, it can happen other than the carelessness of the user. For example, if the parking space number is about to disappear, you may misread it and pay for another car, or you may start thinking that the flap plate is down.

If the owner's fault, such as the number disappearing, damages the car, it may lead to more trouble than refund and lead to management failure.

Effective remedy

It is not possible to completely prevent the user's carelessness, but it is possible to call attention. Specifically, it would be effective to put a sticker near the checkout machine and ask for confirmation of the number.

In addition, there have been malicious cases in which a refund is urged by pretending to have settled by mistake. To avoid such troubles, there are many coin parking lots that do not offer refunds. It is also a good idea to have a sticker or signboard that shows what to do in case of mispayment so that you will not be asked for a refund carelessly.

We also recommend repairing the equipment so that the numbers and letters in the parking space are easy to understand. Let's manage properly so that the responsibility is not passed on to the parking lot.

Trouble example 4: Lost user's parking ticket

Parking lots that require a parking ticket may also develop into trouble due to the carelessness of the user. Let's look at the cause and solution.

Common cases

Among coin parking lots, in the parking lots that use the gate type, there is a possibility that inquiries about "lost parking ticket" will occur one after another.

The gate-type parking lot is a mechanism that measures the parking time by presenting the parking ticket received at the time of warehousing and pays the fee accordingly. In other words, if you don't have a parking ticket, you won't know the exact time and you won't be able to charge. Parking records are often checked and billed, but some parking lots charge the maximum fee if lost. Even if it is the user who lost it, paying many times as much money as it should can lead to complaints.

Main factors

Most of the causes of lost parking tickets are the carelessness of the user. It can be called attention, but it will be difficult to completely eliminate it.

One of the reasons is that the parking ticket is small and easy to lose. However, it is difficult to carry around even if it is made too large so as not to lose it, so it can be said that countermeasures are difficult.

Effective remedy

The main remedy is to install a sign or a sticker to call attention not to lose it. Also, if the parking lot has a manager, it may be effective to call out at the time of warehousing.

If you lose your parking ticket, you may have trouble because you don't know how much to charge. It is also recommended to set a rule such as "If you do not know the warehousing time, you will be charged 〇 yen" in advance. In that case, set up a signboard or sticker that you can see before warehousing.

Trouble example 5: Noise problem

Next, I will explain noise problems and how to prevent them. The noise problem is a big disadvantage in setting up a parking lot in the city. In some cases, the community opposes the opening of the business due to concerns about noise.

Common cases

If you neglect to manage the parking lot, there are cases where the neighbors of the parking lot complain that "the parking lot is noisy" and "some people are making noise in the parking lot".

Parking lots are basically open 24 hours a day. It is designed so that users can move in and out of the car at any time. While convenient, it also exposes the residents living in the neighborhood to the stress of hearing engine sounds and voices day and night.

Coin parking, where you do not know who will use it, is more likely to lead to such troubles than monthly parking lots, which are used only by a limited number of people.

Main factors

Noise problems are mainly due to poor management. Malicious passengers may gather in the parking lot, which seems to be unmanaged. It could be a hangout for young people and could lead to problems such as illegal dumping of garbage.

In addition, if you do not properly research the surrounding environment and start management, it will lead to complaints from neighbors. If you set up a coin parking lot in a quiet residential area, there is no demand and the occupancy rate is low, but it may also lead to troubles with neighboring residents, so be careful.


Effective remedy

In order to prevent noise problems, install security cameras and set up a management system by regular patrols. In addition, it is essential to set up a call center that is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for coin parking so that we can respond to requests from neighboring residents at any time.

Coin parking management is a business that is inseparable from the noise problem because it operates all the time. Even if it is a monthly parking lot, it is not a problem if there are contractors who move in and out at night. It cannot be prevented 100%, but if you can appeal that you are managing it properly, you will get the understanding from the neighborhood.

Trouble example 6: Trouble caused by lighting

Lighting is essential because the parking lot operates even at night. However, be aware that excessive lighting and the brightness of the signboard can cause trouble.

Common cases

Even if it is bright and conspicuous, the advertising effect can be obtained, but if it is too bright, it will lead to stress for the neighbors. Be careful of the glare of night lights and flashy signboards.

Also, from the perspective of the landscape, a parking lot with dazzling lighting is a source of trouble.

Main factors

The cause of lighting problems is insufficient research on the surrounding environment. Unless you have investigated the surrounding environment before you start your business, you will not be able to determine if bright lighting is suitable for your area. For example, if you are near a commercial facility, there are many shops with bright appearances, so this is not a problem, but it may be too noticeable in a residential area.

Considering that it will be used at night, it is tempting to turn on bright lighting to make it easier to use. However, it also leads to troubles such as being too dazzling and difficult to drive, and insects gathering.

Effective remedy

To avoid problems with lighting and signboards, visit the site at night before installing the lights and consider the ease of living in the neighborhood. From the standpoint of the neighbors, imagine what the problems would be if you installed the lights.

For the parking lot landscape, it is also recommended to check the condition of the parking lots in the vicinity of the competition.

However, parking lots that are bright even at night may be appreciated as a security measure in the neighborhood. Brightness is not bad. Let's aim for a parking lot that is moderately bright and friendly to both users and neighbors.

Trouble example 7: Accident in the parking lot

Due to the traffic of vehicles in the parking lot, there is a concern that accidents may occur between vehicles. How should I deal with an accident in my own parking lot?

Common cases

If an accident occurs in the parking lot, you will be required to take some action even if there is no fault on the parking lot side. This is because even if an accident occurs between parking lot users, the parking lot owner may be held liable because it is not managed.

There are three types of accidents that can occur in the parking lot.

In this way, there are accidents between parking lot users as well as contact accidents with parking lot facilities. Damage to equipment or equipment may prevent you from operating during repairs, which may affect your profits.

Main factors

The cause of a vehicle accident may be the shape or placement of the parking lot. For example, in a parking lot where the parking space is narrow and difficult to see, the chances of contact between cars increase. Also, if the layout is poorly visible, there is a high risk that cars will collide with each other when entering or leaving the warehouse.

Effective remedy

To prevent accidents in the parking lot, consider changing the layout of the parking lot. Parking lots where accidents occur frequently at the same point are likely to be caused by the arrangement of parking spaces and equipment. If you think of a suitable layout, we recommend that you actually park yourself or investigate the parking lots in the vicinity.

In addition, installing a security camera is an effective means to confirm the actual situation of the accident. Take proper care and enhance monitoring and maintenance.

However, accidents cannot be prevented. In anticipation of an accident, let's show on a signboard or a sticker that "We are not responsible for the accident in the hall". There are many troubles that can be prevented by clarifying the responsibility.

Trouble example 8: Accident near the parking lot

Accidents between users and pedestrians may occur not only in the parking lot but also near the parking lot. Let's understand how to deal with troubles that occur around the parking lot that you run.

Common cases

Even if a user has an accident near the parking lot, the parking lot owner may be forced to take action. For example, if you come into contact with a pedestrian when entering or leaving a parking lot, you may be held liable for any problems with your payment system.

Dealing with such accidents is not only costly but also costly. It will take a great deal of effort to interact with the victims, perpetrators and police. It is safe to clarify in advance what to do if an accident occurs.

Main factors

Accidents outside the parking lot often occur mainly at the time of entry and exit. In other words, the possibility of an accident will increase in a parking lot with a shape that is difficult to enter and exit.

In addition, accidents are likely to occur in structures where it is difficult for pedestrians to see due to the influence of equipment such as payment machines. When considering the layout of parking lots, you should also consider good visibility such as when leaving the parking lot.

Effective remedy

Even if the accident is outside the parking lot, changing the layout inside the parking lot is an effective measure. To prevent accidents in your parking lot, be aware of the shape and layout that makes it easy to enter and exit.

In addition, it is recommended to install a security camera and a sticker showing the responsibility as a countermeasure against accidents outside the parking lot. We cannot prevent all accidents, but we encourage you to take measures that you can take as an owner.

Security cameras in parking lots are often evidence of accidents and incidents that have occurred in the neighborhood, which may help improve the safety of the area.

Trouble example 9: Trouble related to leased land

Next is the trouble when renting land and running a parking lot. Be careful of troubles with the owner of the land because you will operate using the leased land.

Common cases

Parking lot management on a leased land has the advantage that it can be started cheaper than buying land and it is easy to withdraw. However, be aware that you may have trouble with the landowner.

Specifically, the following troubles can be considered.

Since the period and contract details of the leased land differ depending on the owner, there may be a wide variety of troubles.

Main factors

Problems with the owner regarding leased land are caused by discrepancies in contract details and lack of management.

In particular, it is necessary to be careful because the discrepancy in the contract contents may cause a big trouble. If you conclude a contract without setting clear rules, you may be asked to cancel the contract or compensate for damages, such as "I have not heard that it will be used like this" or "I promised to return it to a vacant lot". There is also.

Neighboring residents may also complain to the landowner due to lack of management. Be careful not only to cause inconvenience, but also to cause eviction or management failure.

Effective remedy

Careful contracting is important to prevent trouble with the landowner. Check the contract details carefully and conclude a contract. You can prevent misunderstandings about the contents of the contract by reading through with the lender before concluding the contract.

It is also important to tell the purpose of the land at the time of contract. It will be easier to convey if there is a document that summarizes the business plan.

When you conclude a lease contract between individuals, it is easy for misunderstandings to occur. Consider going through a professional company such as a real estate company.

Also, don't forget to put in place a management system. If the owner of the land becomes aware of a management complaint, the contract may be terminated and the owner may not be able to manage the property. Let's aim for proper management by installing security cameras and regular patrols.

If you are planning to run a parking lot without land, please refer to this article.

Trouble example 10: Trouble when purchasing land

If you purchase new land and run a parking lot, be careful of troubles when you make a sales contract. It costs a lot to buy land. Even if you spend a lot of money, if you have trouble, you will not have any children. Let's understand the trouble examples and countermeasures.

Common cases

When purchasing land, the seller and the buyer enter into a sales contract. Specific trouble cases are as follows.

There is a rule that the seller must notify the buyer if there is a defect or problem with the land. However, when buying or selling between individuals or with a malicious seller, there are cases where a contract is concluded without notice, so caution is required.

Also, be careful about whether the boundary with the neighboring land is fixed. If the boundary is not fixed, there may be complaints from the neighboring land that "it is out of your land" after the parking lot management starts.

Main factors

The cause of the trouble at the time of the sales contract is the discrepancy in the contract contents. If you do not discuss with the seller, discuss the opinions and confirm the contents, there is a risk of conflict.

You should also avoid buying and selling between individuals. If you run a parking lot, you can find the land yourself and contact the seller directly. However, it is a source of various troubles to buy and sell individuals without being accustomed to buying and selling real estate.

Effective remedy

As with leased land, when purchasing land, carefully check the contents and conclude a contract. It's easy to look at the price and the condition of the land, but it's a good idea to remember to check if there are any disadvantages to the land.

If you want to avoid trouble, do transactions through real estate companies instead of transactions between individuals. A brokerage fee is required, but it is very useful because it prevents incomplete documents and contracts.

Make a sales contract carefully and through a real estate company as much as possible.

We also recommend this article, which explains in detail the troubles and countermeasures that are likely to occur when buying and selling land.

What are the problems that are likely to occur when buying and selling land? Explain the measures to prevent! Not only single-family homes and condominiums, but land is also one of the real estate, so a large amount of money moves when buying and selling. When buying and selling land, as with other real estate, trouble may occur in a series of flows from before the transaction. Here, it is useful to know to avoid troubles

If you would like to know more about land purchase for parking lot management, please click here.

Trouble example 11: Unauthorized use

Unauthorized use is one of the most common problems in monthly parking lots. Monthly parking lots earn income not by the occupancy rate but by the contract rate, so there are cases where management cannot be established due to such troubles. Let's check the remedy.

Common cases

Unauthorized use is a problem that is often cited as a disadvantage of monthly parking lots. Specifically, the following troubles are often seen.

Of course, the original profit cannot be obtained, but it also leads to the distrust of the contractor, so care must be taken.

Main factors

The cause of unauthorized use is lack of management.

Compared to coin parking, unauthorized use is more likely to occur in monthly parking lots due to differences in equipment. Compared to coin parking, which introduced machines and people come and go brightly 24 hours a day, monthly parking lots can be operated only by installing bollard blocks and ropes, and people come and go only at fixed times.

In this way, the monthly parking lot is less secure than the coin parking lot, so it is a hotbed for unauthorized use.

Effective remedy

To avoid unauthorized use of the parking lot, we recommend regular patrols and installation of security cameras.

Unauthorized use is due to the lack of attention of the administrator. If you can't find it, you can park your car without spending money. In other words, if you can look around regularly and immediately notice the fraudulent use, you can detect the fraudulent use and it will not lead to a big loss.

Also, just having a security camera installed can be a deterrent. A sticker stating that "unauthorized use is not allowed" is also effective, but it may lead to distrust of other users, so choose the wording carefully.

Trouble case 12: Illegal dumping

Anyone can easily enter the parking lot, so there is a risk of illegal dumping. How should we deal with such damage?

Common cases

Parking lots, which are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, tend to dispose of garbage.

Especially in parking lots where vending machines are installed, it is easy to develop troubles such as dumping household waste in the trash can or throwing out the garbage that cannot fit in the trash can. Users do not gather in a parking lot that has a lot of garbage and is not clean. There is also the risk of complaints from neighbors.

It also costs money to dump illegally dumped garbage. It is necessary to devise ways to prevent the garbage from being thrown away.

Main factors

The cause of illegal dumping of garbage is also largely due to lack of management. After all, littering tends to be concentrated where it has already been dumped. Since the parking lot is an open space, it is easy for garbage to be thrown away. And the problem is that the discarded garbage is left unattended.

When you see the garbage left in the parking lot, new garbage is thrown away there. In the meantime, the parking lot becomes filthy and shunned by users.

Effective remedy

Regular patrols are also effective as a countermeasure against illegal dumping. If you pick up the trash every time you look around, the trash will not increase.

It is also important to clean the parking lot regularly to make it clean. Even if the garbage has not fallen, weeds and dust accumulated here and there will not only increase illegal dumping but also reduce the number of users.

It is also a good idea to take the plunge and install a trash can. If you have a trash can, you can save the trouble of collecting the trash thrown on the ground. However, since there is a possibility of complaints such as odors coming from the neighborhood, it is necessary to devise a small trash can to prevent household waste from entering.

Trouble example 13: Equipment failure

Equipment failure is a very fatal problem.特にコインパーキングでは、入出庫や精算を機械で管理しているため、利用者に多大な迷惑をかけてしまうことになります。対策を考えておきましょう。


































