[Akagane Co., Ltd.] the enterprise issue of the active use module "Pimlus" of commodity information for manufacturing industry

Category: products and services

【株式会社あかがね】製造業向け商品情報活用モジュール「Pimlus」をリリース 企業リリース

Issuer: Akagane, Co., Ltd.

The ultimate one-stop solution of PIM-centered automation module, translation and business agent Pimlus does not provide PIM software, but a solution service that meets the requirements of customers for "efficient production of multilingual multimedia" and creates value for the future. Pimlus (https://pimlus.com) centrally manages all forms of product information. Share the latest product information among members to support the dissemination and expansion of consistent product information to the market. Pimlus is a CMS service that allows anyone to easily manage centralized management of product information, including text information such as prices and specifications, as well as product images, catalog data (InDesign), and manual PDF. By automating the cost reduction of data element management, the management man-hours and communication costs can be greatly reduced. In addition, the "automatic typesetting function" and "differential typesetting function" of the program automatic typesetting can prevent hand-made errors and greatly reduce the working time of catalogue production. Create Web and catalogs of global sales opportunities faster than ever before. Through automated collaboration with the Web/EC website, you can update and utilize information in real time and control the deployment of product information in the market from Japan. Pimlus is characterized by the ability to automatically typeset to pre-developed InDesign templates. Within the limits of the program, develop templates according to customer requirements. Layout is a useful function when making a large number of pages within a certain range. The agent operation outsources the data registration of Pimlus required for import. Automatic layout after fine-tuning, etc., in the appearance of the place to care about the work on the InDesign. For example, when building a "data registration work" PIM, you can also register more than thousands of pieces of data in a certain period of time. The automatic typesetting program does not deal with subtle configuration adjustments of goods. For example, subtle configuration adjustments for items not handled in the automatic typesetting program of "DTP Job" are also necessary. For example. "data cleaning" due to the disunity of the existing data environment, you can also create guidelines for data cleaning. For example, in order to develop "multilingual translation", multilingual translation can also be processed into translated texts and foreign language materials without fluctuations. The custom Pimlus developed by our company is a domestic PIM developed by Akagane Co., Ltd. Therefore, customized development can be carried out according to the different requirements of the customer. Multi-language extension supports multi-language Pimlus, which provides language switch display and bi-language comparison display. Translation export exports the text, images, and Excel tables that need to be translated, so you can also use translation tools such as Trados. Run smoothly from all customers' Pimlus deployments with security and trust support. Experience excellent product capabilities and support capabilities. Please start here for details. Https://pimlus.com/ Enterprise Press Releases for more information at the top of PRTIMES


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