The goal is to launch 200 enterprises by 2020

Category: products and services

目指すは2020年までに200店舗 企業リリース

Issuer: ClipLine Co., Ltd.

FASTGYM24, operated by Tipness Co., Ltd., in order to accelerate its business expansion, introduced the 24-hour training camp "FASTGYM24" run by Tipness Co., Ltd. (located in Tokyo Port area, Chairman: Wuxin Yuji, hereinafter referred to as "Tipness"). In order to further accelerate the pace of business expansion, ClipLine Co., Ltd. (located in Tokyo Port area, Chairman: Yoshito Takahashi, hereinafter referred to as "the Company") has opened 70 stores within 3 years after the first opening of the store. OJT is the abbreviation of On-the-Job Training. This is a method of internal training and education for employees through pragmatic training in the workplace. Cloud OJT system is a new OJT system developed by us, which can use iPad and iPhone to carry out traditional face-to-face OJT without face-to-face. The future image pursued by "FASTGYM24" in the current fitness industry, and why do you need ClipLine? We look forward to the promotion of the "FASTGYM24" Tippenis director executive director Lord Komiya, career Minister Mr. Mishima. Director Executive Director Business Strategy Department Business Management Department FASTGYM24 Division head Kesi Komiya-Tipunis 24-hour business format is newly established why? The fitness industry has the word 3to10. Japan's fitness business model is considered single, with the participation rate not increasing from 3% for a long time, but the word expresses a willingness to increase it to 10% in the industry as a whole. To solve this problem, TIPNESS studied a business model for young people with the farthest bodies. Among them, considering whether the 24-hour open mode is supported by busy young people, it is decided to set up FASTGYM24. -how about starting FASTGYM24? Regardless of the benefits of closing time, it goes without saying that health clubs have no natural rules (well-organized training menus, etc.) and can move at their own pace, with the support of the 20s and 30s in accordance with their goals. -what is the opportunity to introduce ClipLine? FASTGYM24 has surpassed 61 major stores and is an inexperienced store. It is necessary to speed up the opening of stores and manage the number of stores that have not been to so far. in addition, unlike the health clubs so far, there are people who have no sports experience, and the same studies cannot be carried out smoothly as before. When we tried ClipLine, we decided to use this video for training, which is very effective in training inexperienced employees. Please tell me the future goals of FASTGYM24. We believe that the same company is developing multiple brands, and customers can use the brand according to the changes in their life stages and use Tipness in their lifetime. Therefore, our goal is to reach customers at all stages of life by launching multiple FASTGYM24 in the same area as the integrated one. Mr. Masahiko Mishima, Minister of the cause of FASTGYM24-what are the issues facing the expansion of the cause? The employees of FASTGYM24 are not employees, but run the store on a part-time basis. Therefore, how to operate temporary workers as soon as possible is the key. Our goal is to manage more stores with fewer employees, so how to run smoothly remotely is also a challenge. -- can ClipLine's education proceed smoothly? It can be seen that the problem that no contact has been made so far is effective. Through the trial, I realized that the speed of education has also been accelerated. In addition, I also think that staff are learning more and more by themselves. The emergence of high-level staff is also a harvest. -what is ClipLine's expectation of solving the problem? If there are multiple stores, there will be differences between stores, so we look forward to standardization. Newcomer education also depends to a large extent on the "people" of each store, but in ClipLine, all stores can look at the same clip and educate according to the same standards, so it can narrow the gap between stores. Through the use of ClipLine, the contact between headquarters staff and field staff becomes easy, eliminating unease, not only to achieve immediate combat strength, but also to work for a long time. As a result, the staff can operate independently, ideally with a smooth cycle. An overview of the "ClipLine" service developed using a video and audio clip autonomous learning system "ClipLine" is a cloud OJT that connects headquarters and stores through two-way video (clips). Many operators who are troubled by multi-store development, "instructions can not be accurately transmitted and executed", "changes in service quality between stores are born", these two problems By using cloud and video, you can educate through two-way interaction, even if you are not there, as if you were in front of your eyes. For more information about "ClipLine", please visit the service introduction website: service introduction video: "ClipLine" features shooting videos on iPad, browsing videos on iPhone and iPad, ToDo (jobs) production, management, progress management reports comments on iPad and PC share animations within stores and among stores Comment function user-level video, ToDo assigns learners About the two-way video contribution function from both leaders user management terminal access management data backup co., Ltd. Name: Tipnis Co., Ltd. Tipnis was founded: October 1986 location: zip code: 0073 Mitian 3-13-16 Mita 43MT Building, Tokyo, Tokyo Representative: Wuxin Koji Capital Friday: 1 40 million yen business content: fitness club operating stores (61 comprehensive stores) 24-hour gymnasium 70) entrusted facilities (including designated management) 13 facilities as of July 2017 ClipLine Co., Ltd. name: ClipLine Co., Ltd. Location: July 11, 2013 location: 3F Representative: chairman of the Board of Directors Yoshito Takahashi Capital: 300 million yen (up to the end of March 2017). Major shareholders, including capital reserves: management, incubation fund, SMBC Venture Capital Limited, DBJ Capital Limited, Mizuho Capital Co., Ltd., Mitsubishi UFJ Capital Limited, General partner Enterprise website: Business content: the Development, Operation and Operation of "ClipLine (Clipline)" journalists contact us for Email:pr@clipline.jpTEL:03-6809-3305 spokesman Jinchuan Enterprise Press release details please go to the first PRTIMES


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