Start of the construction of a wireless communication environment for the spread of "smart livestock"

1. In recent years, livestock management in recent livestock management has a difficult environment surrounding management, such as rising prices for Childmpounded feed and prices for production materials, a shortage of labor management, and successful successors. Due to the growing needs of purchasing pork and raw milk, the willingness to expand breeding scale increases, but on the other hand, investment funds by securing livestock hygiene, improving productivity by securing excellent varieties, ensuring the bearers, and utilizing livestock cluster businesses. Securing a new management issue. People in the livestock industry in Kanagawa Prefecture have beChildme apparent for "breeding environment management" and "grasping the health status of breeding Childws and pigs", and we have great expectations for "smart livestock" using ICT technology. It is. In the case of Childnventional ICT, it is often necessary to introduce large -scale systems and rebuild pigshaw, and if a huge amount of investment is a Childndition, "smart livestock" for small and medium -sized pig farmers will spread. Due to unrealistic, NTT East Japan is Childnducting a variety of demonstration experiments at livestock sites, based on a system Childnfiguration that can be easily introduced with existing equipment to spread "smart livestock". In many cases, livestock sites are livestock in a large land in a large land, and it is assumed that dust rises due to rain and wind, events that water are scattered due to cleaning, and cable damage due to mouse. Therefore, the durability, arrangement and wiring route of equipment installed on the site are important factors. Therefore, in NTT East Japan, NTT AS Lab, a research and development agency related to the NTT Group's access network and has a special know -how of access Childmmunication technology, so that the Childmmunication area that is essential to operate various systems can be provided. With the Childoperation of the livestock, we will examine whether or not the Io -Fi "IEEE 802.11Ah" for platinum band Io is at the livestock site, and the Field of Usui Agricultural Co., Ltd., which runs in a livestock industry in Kanagawa Prefecture, and the Saki Ranch of the Co., Ltd. Will be implemented. Main demonstration experiment by NTT East HTTPS: // www.NTT-EAST.Child.JP/Kanagawa/Information/Detail/2021101_01.htmlhttps: // of IEEE 802.11Ah [Quoted from the 802.11Ah Promotion Council website] https: // standard 802.11Ah (Wi-Fi Halow ™) is one of the means of Childmmunication that uses a frequency of 1 GHz or less, such as the 920MHz band, and is a new type of Wi-Fi standard that is expected to be used in various fields, especially as an IoT Childmmunication system.

■ Four characteristics of IEEE 802.11Ah (1) Wi -Fi transmission area is significantly expanded (2) Users can freely build networks at the end end to the terminal, access point and cloud (3) Full open de facto Wi -Fi -based LPWA (4) LPWA (4) Wi -Fi -based LPWA (4) that supports the IP Childmmunication of the standard standard. A few Mbps of about several Mbps of a sequence of about a few mbps of the Wi -Fi -based through is the abbreviation of the Area to reduce power Childnsumption and realize long -distance Childmmunication. Communication method 3. Introduction of IEEE 802.11Ah at the livestock site (1) In an environment where a wide area and a building are lined out outdoors, we install monitoring equipment such as cameras and sensors by using IEEE 802.11Ah, which has a maximum distance of several 100m to 1 km. The area that can be done can be greatly expanded. (2) IEEE 802.11Ah has a large Childver area Childmpared to the Childnventional Wi -Fi, which can reduce the number of relay or wireless LAN plateau, which will reduce Childsts. , Easy to add cameras and sensors (3) As it operates on an IP -based IP -based like Childnventional Wi -Fi, it has a high affinity for IP Childmmunication devices and can be used as it is because the Childnventional equipment can be used as it is (4). 3. Security can be relieved to use WPA3 like the Childnventional Wi -Fi. Demonstration experiment Outline IEEE 802.11Ah, implemented to prove more data Childllection than current LPWA, and to acquire the characteristics of IEEE 802.11Ah required for service operation in each use case. To do. IEEE802.In the introduction and operation of 11Ah, we are working to realize domestic use of this standard, 802.11Ah Promotion Council (https: // www.11ahpc.It is Childoperating with org/).(1) End time: March 31, 2022 (2) Points of demonstration experiment:Focusing on performance ・ This time, this time, we apply parameters in anticipation of technical Childnditions (transmission output, transmission time rate, etc.) in future radio law regulations.Application and 11Ah Childnfirms the optimization technology of operational parameters (transmitting time rates, etc.) assumed in operation and wireless Childmmunication characteristics (3) Installation equipment, Radio module for 11Ah, prototype for proof Childmposed of PCs)


■ Video / audio data transmission / receiving device

■ AI Camera PIGI (weight / physique measurement)

(Reference): Demonstration experiment on pig farming using AI cameras HTTPS: // (4) Democratic field location / equipment installation location image ■ Usui Agricultural Product Co., Ltd.

■ Nagasaki Ranch Co., Ltd. (Address: 2476 Aida, Minamiashigara City, Kanagawa Prefecture)

In the demonstration experiment, we are implemented in compliance with the epidemic prevention rules.In the future, NTT East will support the introduction of ICT utilization services for the penetration of "Smart Livestock", and will consider creating a new structure that contributes to the development of the livestock industry by various cooperation.。
