A man who abducted a 4 -year -old girl from the campsite was following her mother's SNS

A four -year -old Creo Smith was kidnapped in Western Australia, and was rescued safely, revealing new facts one after another.

According to ABC Australia and other reports, Terrence Darel Kelly, 36, was charged with forcing children under the age of 16 to be taken away.He is a fat man with long black curly hair and beard.He will be in the court next month.

After kidnapping Cleo from a tent early on October 16, it was known that Kelly had been confined Cleo in a room at home.


In the room, a doll for children called "Blats" is tightly displayed on the wall, and Kelly had a Facebook account just to love Blats.

A long time ago, Kelly had been witnessed by Kelly buying Disney Princess and Blats dolls at a local toy store, and it seemed that his neighbors seemed to be a gift for relatives.ABC Australia reports.

Kelly seemed to have purchased a large number of dolls during Cleo -chan's search, and the police seemed to have been an arrest, calling for security camera images from toy stores.

Daily Mail also reports that Kelly had followed Cleo's mother, Ellie's Facebook account, and had posted a lot of imagination on the day of the kidnapping.

Immediately before Erie noticed Cleo -chan's absence, Kelly wrote such a sentence on the timeline.


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