The customer U -turn at the news entrance ... The person who puts a "leave postcard" at the open game center may be guilty of "3 years in prison"

"Leave paper" without permission ... Is there a possibility of imprisonment?

ニュース 入口で客がUターン…営業中のゲームセンターで勝手に“休業の貼り紙” 貼った人は『懲役3年』まである罪の可能性

 There is a trouble early in the new year at the game center in Sapporo. Video of security cameras at the entrance of the store. Around 8:00 pm, which was still open, the female customers who came after staring at the entrance and passed by. The customer who came next approaches the entrance, but for some reason U -turn. Why don't you enter the store? In fact, at this time, there are the following papers at the entrance that the store does not remember. "The announcement of the holidays" I will be closed for the time being for the time being, but for the time being, and many customers were making U -turns without entering the store. 。 Regarding this stick by someone, the manager of the game center ... Manager of the Game Center: "Instead of the New Year period, it is much less than expected. It is a customer who has not said half (yesterday) for the income of the period from 1 to 4 days. I thought it was vague to do it. " Is it mischievous or harassed ... Is the person who put it on a sin? I will visit a lawyer Yukio Kikuchi. Lawyer Kikuchi: "The manager of the game center wants to say," It's a business obstruction! "Is legally called a fake work obstruction. Fake is, for example, the manager in the store. Is a little quieter and secret that you do not know about this sticker. This time there is a possibility that this crime may be established, and there are up to three years in prison. In addition, such acts are prohibited. If the sales are down, there is a possibility that you will be charged for compensation. It may have been a light feeling, but this is malicious. Please stop it. " "I want to hear that! From Kikuchi's law judge)

