70 % of people in the world "Actions immediately after waking up" A smartphone dependent?It is clear that 75%of the world is doing within 15 minutes after getting up in the morning.

・ Check your smartphone within 15 minutes after getting up in the morning ... 75% -Check your smartphone in 15 minutes before going to bed at night ... 70% -Check your smartphone when you get up late at night ... 30%

*Source: Survey by Toluna (USA, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Singapore) August 2014

Well, high!I'm so dependent!?

Well, certainly, when you get on the train, all the people sitting are playing with your smartphone ...

It seems that this number is in the whole world, but it is no exaggeration to say that over 70 % of people check their smartphones by waking up.

So what are you checking so much on your smartphone?

Are Japanese not good at being crowded?How to enjoy a Japanese smartphone that is different from the world

In October 2014, Symantec conducted a questionnaire survey on 6,291 smartphones in nine countries (USA, Japan, Australia, the United Kingdom, Germany, Brazil, Spain, Italy, Canada).

It is clear that Japanese people are most dangerous in the world with smartphone contact information -Symantec survey

So, let's look at the graphs that aggregate the results of investigating the purpose of using smartphones for each country.

Then, worldwide, "interaction with family and friends" is the best in the best, while "news check", "game", and "video playback" are ranked high.

In other words, smartphones are a communication tool worldwide, while Japanese people seem to have a strong color of entertainment equipment.

This may be due to the length of working hours (the less time spent on communication), in addition to the slightly deep Japanese personality.

Japanese people have a high awareness of viruses and information leaks, but ...?

Regarding concerns about smartphone virus infections, Japanese people were 6 points higher than in the world.

And the Japanese are prominent and are concerned that contact information will leak.It may be only for Japanese who disagree to bother others.

Looking at this result alone, Japanese people seem to have a high security awareness worldwide.However, the following total results revealed the terrible reality of the Japanese.

It is clear that Japan can easily provide contact information compared to the world.

That is this graph.… It is clear that Japanese people can easily provide contact information to free apps compared to the world.

世界の7割の人がする「起きてすぐの行動」 高まるスマホ依存 あなたもしてる?朝起きてから15分以内に世界の75%の人々が行っている、とある行動が明らかに

It was a result that the Japanese were worried that the contact information would leak the most, but just because they are concerned, the reality may be a leak!?Too scary ...!

Also, only 27%of the access to personal information is to be careful when downloading the app.Although it is 4 points higher than the world, it is not a very praised number.

Danger of providing contact information to the app

By the way, when installing the app, are you aware that access to your contacts has been confirmed in this way?And what happens if you provide contact information?

For example, many social media apps access contact information so that app users can find friends from phone numbers and email addresses registered on their smartphones.In this way, we may access information considering the benefits of the app user.

However, in the case of malicious apps, all contact information is collected, selling to a roster or using it for fraud.If it can only be done by yourself, it is a big problem if the registered friends and acquaintances are damaged.

Smartphone contact information is a treasure trove of personal information that records names, telephone numbers, email addresses, addresses, birthdays, and SNS IDs.

If this is completely visible to others who don't know ... just thinking will be terrifying.

Difficulty to see through unauthorized apps

So, which app can be allowed to access ... it's a difficult place.

For example, if you are asked for contact information in a calculator or transfer search application, you may be able to feel what to use for?

However, if you are asked for an app that seems to need contact information, such as a messenger app or social game, it is not possible for individuals to make the right decision on whether it will be used effectively or misused.

There is a way to judge by looking at the reviews, but it is difficult for ordinary people to see unauthorized movements, and the danger is not always written.

By the way, it is not only contact information that is dangerous to allow.for example…

Access to bookmarks: The address of the online banking and shopping sites registered as your favorite can be rewritten to the address of the phishing site without noticing.Access to camera microphone: Mike and camera may be launched and voyeur and eavesdropping.

There is no doubt, such as.

That's why I use it without putting an app on my smartphone at all.

Defend, more than 8 million privacy infringement apps ... In an era where smartphones require security

By the way, according to Simantec survey, there are truly 3 million illegal apps and more than 8 million privacy infringement apps in smartphone apps.... too much, no matter how much!

By the way, Symantec conducted this survey, examining the dangers of all market apps, including GooglePlay, day and night.If you use the company's Norton ™ mobile security, it will be warned before installing dangerous apps, and will automatically scan the safety of the app even after installation, and protect them from unauthorized apps.

It is impossible to verify each one with a smartphone where many new services and apps are born, and at the individual level.

In order not to bother friends and acquaintances, it seems indispensable to have firm security measures not only on Windows PCs and Macs but also for smartphones.

It is clear that Japanese people are most dangerous in the world with smartphone contact information -Symantec survey

Norton security software for virus measures | Symantec

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